Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday Shopping!

Just thought I'd add a massive picture of Iron Man to spice up your life.
Today is Saturday. Fabulous. Today I had a break from work which was very nice. I woke up, browsed the internet and cleaned my room at my own leisure and then left about twelve for a one o clock movie with Hayley and friends. We saw iron man 2 and I thought it was fabulous. Dad, I highly recommend. You will like it. After the movie we walked to the bullring and did some shopping! It was slightly overwhelming because the stores are so so massive and there are a billion of them. They are also full of people, especially on a Saturday. And I mean full! It was a mad house in every one with old ladies and teenagers beating each other for the last cheap skirt. Sheesh! I did find out that my clothes size is 10 and my shoe size is seven here. They're different from at home if you didn't know. :) I'm normally a size two. ;) Anyway, I got a fantastic floral blazer and a long maxi dress and a darling shirt thing. (apparently darling is a very American word) I will easily have a new wardrobe next week at this rate. Ha ha it was very fun and I got to spend time with Hayley. She's really great and fun to be around and we can sit in silence together forever without it being awkward.
After shopping we proceeded home and I did some cross training and stretching because i'm getting fit you know. Ho ho ho. I showered, watched the newest episode of bones, had some dinner of chips and kabab (which is really quite English) and now I am here speaking with you. It was a very good day and I enjoyed it a lot. I have hardly been homesick at all! What an achievement! OH! Cute story for the day: we were on the bus on our way to the cinema, which are massive by the way with multiple levels and flights of stairs within the theatres, and i here this baby voice. It is this ADORABLE little boy up front who looks like Yoda with huge spectacles and a British accent! I couldn't be more cuted out! AND he sounded so intelligent with full sentences and spelling! Cutest thing eva!
It' s raining. 'Nuff said. Typical English weather coming out. It's not bad at all actually, I like the rain. I think I shall snuggle down with a book now and read until I fall asleep, One of my favorite things to do. Despite my lack of homesickness, I miss you all so so much and love you. Your support makes this worth it and gives me strength to be an outgoing actress. :) Oh, just FYI, I'm pretty sure I will talk a lot more once I get back. I already talk a lot more just because of all the new people I've had to meet and entertain. Not to mention it will be with a bit of English accent as well. Life is good for Danielle Tamang. :) Peace. (I can't do the peace sign with my fingers though cause apparently that is the equivalent of flippin the bird.)


  1. Jeez - that picture was so huge it took ages to download your blog. Puhleeze don't do it again - even though IronMan is a stud, you're WAY more important than that picture. Thanks for the recommendation to go see it - Alex and I are planning on it. We don't get it until the 7th (you lucky Brit, you). Sounds like you had a marvelous day - who can argue with sleeping in ('lying in' over there, right?), eat, movie, shop, exercise, clean up, eat and snuggle up in beg. Gosh, it is good to be you ;)
    Over 'ere, I got a bit spoilt too. After waking up, exercising and doing some work until around half eleven, I went over to the Highland versus United set of rugby matches. There were SO intense and exciting that my throat hurt from the hurling of insults and epitaphs at the rotten officials and general mayhem of insult slinging. I even shouted out 'kill him!' quite sincerely since I was caught up in the moment. Felt like the old days. Felt good. (Of course, everything is easier from the sideline.) Undefeated Highland was beaten by 10 points...............and at in the last 2 minutes, they came up and beat United by 1 point. SCREECHING, DEMONIC HAYHEM!!
    Clearly, it was a great series of matches. The Lone Peak lost by 1 point too. I was proud of our lads - they played brilliantly.
    We then went to Sweet Tomatoes, the whole fam, and we ate for you. In fact, in prepping for Fast Sunday, we made sure we were sufficiently stuffed to make it in time for momo Sunday.
    By the way, Corrine is coming - pretty sweet, huh? She's a good girl.
    The weather is still nasty, with sleet/snow, and I froze all afternoon with a chilly wind. On Monday, when it dries up, Ky will starting mowing the lawn for the first time (including his first fast of his life tomorrow - should be interesting).
    The kids are fine and Alex is still too tired from his tonsils preventing him from sleeping well. But this week late, he gets them out - that will make him very much a couch potato for about a week plus. I doubt he will be eating pizza right after surgery like some body else I know. Sheeesh - I still don't know how you did it - you're like Mum. Made of iron.
    Well, hope you have a great Sunday with church and good feelings of love, warmth and gratitude. I feel that every day now. Also, continue to jump in and appropriately, make new friends to allow you to experience the broad spectrum of English life. I have a friend in the northernest part of Scotland, to a girl friend in Wales, to my Londonites - so let me recommend a homework assignment. Meet with the Collins' and make a list of the things you must see in Britain (and France) and then you and I can map out a schedule to achieve those goals tomorrow. Otherwise, you realize you will just have another weekend go by without doing something. Right now, actually, without the hotel up and going, it will be easier to move around than later. Later, you will get much too busy (especially at the start). As they say when you go underwater scuba diving - 'plan your dive, and then dive your plan.'
    Nothing else happens otherwise.
    Hope you got your bank sorted out too - that will be important. Otherwise no shopping. How's that for a goal - no shopping until you have figured out a way to receive money (what a novel idea!).
    Love you, puurkee - have a great day, and talk to you at 9:15 pm or so on SKYPE.
    Your favourite Dad (note the occasional lapse in English spelling - you bring it out in me, you darling girl you).

  2. By the way, I have a recommendation for your camera and mp3 player. IF they work, then the memory card (in any form) should not be an issue to upload through your laptop. Your laptop takes minimally 3 different types of card inputs. What I recommend is to have you take the camera and MP3 player into a local store tomorrow (if they are open on Monday) and get their input on whether or not they have different kinds of memory cards that would still fit with your laptop. If they do, then whether you buy a UK product or not, as long as the card fits into your laptop, you can always upload the contents regardless of whether it is a European model or not. Make sense? let's have the local guys give you some commentary on it (of course, they will encourage you to buy - just make sure you can see the memory card portion and see if it will fit the laptop).

    Good night from here.


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