Thursday, May 27, 2010


I shall begin with an explanation of the title of this little blog- I know you're all dying to know. :) It is a shameful, humorous story that involves volleyball, church and profane slippage. Intense. So last night I went to a YSA institute BBQ and we played volleyball ( I also played some rockband, ping pong and dodgeball, but that's irrelevant:). A lot of the people who play get really competitive, me included. It's not against anyone, just internal competitiveness- you know "I gotta show how American's do it. :) So I was serving on the game point, our team is winning. Someone has a genius idea to shout out "game point!" as I lift the ball the serve. No pressure. So I swing, it goes straight into the net, I shout "OH Sh**!" !!!!!!!!!!! In the church! Surrounded by fellow Latter-Day Saint youth! What an impression. As soon as a said it, there was an eruption of OOOHHHH! from everyone around me. I was horrified! I went bright red and fell to the ground, laughing in hysteria really. They were really great about it though. I received comforting comments like "don't worry" and "we were all thinking it". Ha ha the thing is that here, ass, damn and dammit aren't swear words! The church members say them all the time! (I find it quite humorous he he) But of all the words I could let slip, it had to be a swear word to all. Sometimes being surrounded by men and women who say such profane things all the time gets to you.
That's a story for y'all. They must have liked my playing though, because I have been asked to play on the A team for a multi-stake tournament on Saturday. I'm pretty excited! Yesterday I had a nice, long chat with Tony. It was really cool. We talked about everything from mine and my dad's jobs to General Conference in other countries to Corrine (his daughter in Utah) to eventually, a heated dispute of how some people can be judgmental about others who aren't LDS and it ended with me giving in to Tony's stubborn opinion. It was okay though cause I got to talk to him and we got to know each other better. :)
Today I was quite tired because I went to bed at twelve and woke up at four fifty for work. But I did it and had a nice day at work. Breakfast was nice and slow and lunch was quite busy. I like working at Colemore Bar and Grill. I'll take some pictures soon so you can see where I work everyday. It's really nice. Cause it's new. I came home, slept for a couple of hours, talked to my dad and here I am. It's a fun life. :)
My final remarks- I love you all and can't imagine living without your support and love. Kirin, I could use another video of some songs because I'm pretty sure I just watch your other ones over and over and over. I love it! Hope all is well in far, far away.
Love, Danielle (Dammit!:)


  1. Osmosis. That's the explanation for the 'O shit' comment. Osmosis. Even the strong don't know how to stop the singular molecules from coming through the membrane, and so it's due to Osmosis. Again, Osmosis ;)

    Very funny girl. That was hilarious. Glad the church members think that all Utah members are like that ;) Next time, as you take a huge swing (especially on Saturday - in front of a larger crowd), just let your buttocks flap and let a torrent of fierceness erupt in concert with your ambulation. It should score well while the other team is shocked and immobilized. Give one of your cute giggles, complete with hand to mouth and an 'o' expression, and you'll be the talk of the event. The athletes will love you.
    As for the discussion with Tony, what's the position he had that you 'gave in' to? I'm interested in knowing.
    I'll work with miss singer and get her to put a new song on the tube. She's working tonight and tomorrow, so will see what will happen over the weekend to get some new material pour vous.
    By the way, I think the weather is finally getting back to 70's on the temperature level, and while we have clouds and occasional rain, it is warmer every time. It's almost June!
    Monday is a Memorial holiday, and we are planning on going to grandparents for some generic knosh. Will see if I need to take some savory additions (sauces, pickles, etc.) to spice things up a bit, eh? Should be good and relaxing - may be that's the occasion to practice some new material with Girl Wonder.
    The internal learnings that I am experiencing has been around the Old Testament (since I have to teach it every Sunday). It's really been a blast. I've thoroughly enjoyed all the preparations. I look forward to studying daily, and have to intersperse it with my NT and BOM chapters too.
    Well, back to work I go - I've got to finish things before going home by 7 pm tonight for Kyan to be dropped off from Karate.
    Love you, binky girl.

  2. I would have loved to have been there! That is hilarious! Your a woman after my own heart.
