Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bar Tending

So I didn't do bar tending yesterday, but I did put all the different kinds of glasses away. There were beer glasses, half pints, martini glasses, wine glasses, shot glasses and more. It was pretty fun actually. Today we are supposed to be learning all the drinks and stuff and we have cocktail training. :) I'm not sure how that's going to work as we're supposed to try them after we make them, I'll just have to have some one else check. He he. Also, yesterday at work we tried a ton of delicious food! The kitchen is practicing making all the meals so we get to see them and try them and get to know them. It's awesome! AND I learned how to use the till! It is really fun and quite easy. Once I know the menu really well it will be breeze. :)
That was work. After work I went shopping for some black trousers because we get our uniforms today and we have to wear them. It took a long time really but I found some decent ones. All the shops here clothes at like seven! It's terrible! Pubs and bars stay open til wee hours of the morning but the grocery stores and clothes shops all close so early. Terrible.
Once I got home, I exercised. For forty five minutes on the cross trainer no problem! Ha ha it felt really good. I then watched some Disney Channel and went to bed. I was quite tired so I didn't write last night. Sorry.
The weather is getting sunnier but it's still really cold. Hopefully it will warn up soon. I don't mind if it rains even but the cold wind is killing me. (not literally) Well, i love you all and will write tonight. Mwah!
Jack Danielles (if you don't get it, Jack Daniels is a beer we sell:)


  1. You sure are learning ALOT there :) be careful with the taste testing :)I love how you said "trousers" We will have to incorporate that into our vocabulary! As for the weather...we are experiencing MUCH rain :) Clay and I hiked timp cave in it Monday and I will do the same this morning :) Well...I better go find some trousers to wear today...LA

  2. I got the Jack Danielles with no problem - cause I'm SO experienced you know (said with a sneering upturned nose.....)! By the way, I thought the software was not working when I rushed home last night to find no blog last night for my DDD. It was also a sign that you had less need to have to write.
    Hope you got my email and also the YouTube link to your sister singing a song for you.
    You may need more than one pair of trousers since work conditions are always going to be taxing in terms of cleanliness and there are no dryers for quick turnarounds - don't you just love British life???
    Kirin seems to love her work too. She's always coming back happy, and that is an excellent sign. The environment is good, the products they sell are naturally good (ahem), and she is finding the customers and peers sufficiently entertaining. We are all happy for her. Of course, being the prudent one, I'm most happy with how she continues to ride the bus to school to stretch her hard earned dollars. Smart girl.
    Alex is recovering slowly - you know that the days after the first two are worse. He is still sleeping on the couch, watching tons of movies, but now watching it while vertically, versus only horizontal. His pain medication is actually causing him to be more groggy. Can't wait to see him healthy, sleeping well, and back up to par.
    Yesterday, apart from morning prayer, I never got to see the Ky. Very sad. He even went to Karate with Hunter, went to McDonald's, and went to bed before I saw him.
    With Alex 'sick,' Mum has been getting him lots of soft, fattening foods. There is a ton of ice cream, smoothies, home-made scones, broiled chicken (from the stores), and ice-cream has been served to Alex for breakfast many a days here. In the mean time, Mum has been diligently focused on eating fruits and vegetables and exercising. Except for funny yesterday. I came home from work around 10 am to pick up Alex's laptop for a temp worker at the office, and Alex was still asleep. On the stove was French toast and on the counter was a huge heaping of ice-cream (I think chocolate chip). I walked into the house and asked if Alex was up, ready to eat his breakfast, since it would be melting. Mum looked up me funny, and said the ice cream was for her! I could almost see her face look like Jack Black's Kung Fu Panda when Sifu comes up behind him at the peach tree, and he turns around with his mouth full of the 'holy peaches'. It was very funny to see what Mum was REALLY doing ;)
    I'm hoping you are OK with traveling down to London on the train by yourself. If not, we can wait until you find a local partner there that will be willing to go. Otherwise, we can go for this weekend, and have you stay at the Lama's.
    I love you, little girl.

  3. Ok, I started off reading Danielly's blog then topped it off eavesdropping on comments: Dad, the imagery of Aamaa and her "Kung Fu Panda"-ice-cream-for-breakfast face was all too vivid. Not to mention hilarious!

    DG!!!! I LOVE YOU! I have so much to tell you and I will be writing an email soon. Forgive the scarce nature of my communication - you know I'm a terrible pen pal! In the meantime, I will be sitting here at work, GREEN with jealous rage about your soon-to-be-attained Alcoholic beverage skills.

    Love your envious elda sista
