Monday, May 3, 2010

Doing Absolutely Nothing

Ha ha today has gone by without me leaving this house. This could be seen as a bad thing but really it is okay because I just watched the church, cheesy version of Pride and Prejudice and I feel good now. It is really cute and just one of those make you smile movies. :) It also has London in the end and it feels funny and slightly satisfying to think that I am but a few hours from that famous place. Like I said before, I have not left the house today but have watched two movies, multiple episodes of Sonny with a Chance, read a magazine in the conservatory (with the candlestick he he) and bathed. That is about it. It has been nice. I was going to go out and do a little shopping for a new camera and what not but the weather got super nasty and I decided not to. By the time it cleared up it was too late to go to the store because it's a bank holiday which means they all close early. So... I sat and did nothing. What a life. :)

Due to my lack of activity I don't have much to tell you. It is funny to watch movies here that have English people in them and think that I'm surrounded by them. And also that all the people here are thinking about the American accents just like we think of the Brits back home- unique and intriguing. Or according to my co-worker, sexy. Well, I did get a cord to connect the camera to my computer so I have a couple of pictures. I shall show you them now. :)

This is my team. :) From left to right it's Prakash(this adorable, talks a lot man) Johnny(My superior and very nice), Subway sign man, Wayne, Andy, Amy, Tony, Keith and Hakeem. They are all really great and I am starting to love them. Ha ha funny thing is that Keith, the massive black dude in the leather jacket has a shirt with naked ladies on it.
Apparently this white man in the mix is some celebrity cook over here. Woohoo!

This is all of us with old Chinese ladies at the Bull in the bullring because it was a requirement for our scavenger hunt to have an old lady in the picture. :) We also got some Italian gymnasts.

I just finished having family home evening with the Collins and it was great fun. I love family time anywhere. We played uno and it was a riot, so much fun. I have been eating a lot better, I ate almost my whole dinner today and I've been eating little snacks all day. I'm sure I'll be back to my normal eating habits this week.
I am quite content at the moment. It's warm and cozy in the house. Outside it is getting quite cold, it even hailed today. Frost in the morning. I shall let you know how my first day of specified training goes tomorrow. Love and hugs, Dalia (that's my Spanish name, you know cause I played uno)

1 comment:

  1. Well, Dahlia - that may have been your last lazy day - glad you got one in! Sounds lovely, dahling - positively lovely.
    I've been thinking about your comments from Sunday about how people need something to make them individuals since their value and self confidence comes from being unique. It is a bit tragic when that need is not balanced by perspective (as the famous French food critic would say in that favorite movie of ours). Knowing that we are children of God makes a big difference, doesn't it? It also means that when you feel like ranting and raving and killing someone because you are so angry, it makes you think about the effectiveness of it all and whether it will help or not. Certainly makes for more peace. Learn all the good things from all people - humour, wit, good conversations, lively sense of styling, great hair ideas, appreciation for new and fun foods, knowing that you are part of an eternal family. Good things like that.
    Today, Kyan got to mow his first lawn (front and back). He huffed and puffed with all the turning at the front. He stopped to show how difficult it was, grimacing madly at every turn of the big lawnmover (compared to his little self). But I just smiled and encouraged him, and after a quick dinner break, he was raring to go, to show the lawnmover who really is boss. He's now finishing the back yard all by himself, positively beaming with pride at the good work done. It's amazing how work, done well and overcome, does more to build maturity than anything. It's as if without work, we would just turn out to be reed thin people with no back bone. Plus, he gets to see his handiwork. He's been very good at keeping to the 'lines' - otherwise he knows he has to go back and redo the 'mohawk'.
    Any way, the weather finally went from 32 F to 70 F just today - all in one day. I hear we are going to be cloudy and cool now for the rest of the week.
    Such is today's report. I hope you slept well, had a great rest day, and now are ready for work (and do find out the holidays coming up and such - it's time not to have another lounging day).
    Your loving Dad.
