Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Everyday is a Lifetime

Life is still going. I'm still learning. The last two days seem kind of just there. Work is real now. Real as in real customers come in and we can make real mistakes. :) It's been alright though. Not too busy so it's manageable. I start with breakfast at six and then go through lunch until three. I got to host today for breakfast and it was really great! I welcomed the guests with my American pearly whites :) and checked them off on a sheet and sat them down. It feels really good to make people happy, you know? I can understand why customer service is so great but can also be so hard. When people don't respond how you hope or would like, you feel slightly like the world is crashing. Ha ha it's a love/hate relationship.
A guy at my work did ask me about the church yesterday. I learned that even though I have such a strong testimony, sometimes it helps to know the basics and how to describe this gospel that makes me so happy. I tried to explain in a nutshell what we believe and did alright. Looking back it makes me a little embarrassed to think that I am so bad at answering a simple question. The guy, Sean, was just wondering what I believed but that could be where it starts. To say the least, I was devastated walking home after. I realized how a testimony is necessary but the ability to teach takes preparation. I definitely appreciate missionaries more! After my sadness I find I always comfort myself with the fact that I learned from these experiences and if nothing else, they know I'm LDS and they know what I'm like. Hopefully my example being a person will stick with LDS "Mormons" in their memory for the future.
I have had the saddest moments in my life here but every single one is immediately replaced by a better understanding of and comfort from the Ultimate Father above. Man! It's good to have a Heavenly Father! I love Him! I love my earthly, cute, Asian father as well. A whole buttload!
Life is still good! Everyday is a lifetime. Full of successes and failures, love and heartbreaks, friends and not-so-friends, decisions and lack thereof, homesickness and content, England and Utah, home and where I live, Danielle the girl and Danielle the WOMAN! I am proud to say that I think I am reaching such a status at least once a day. It's rough growing up! I love you all and am so thankful for the contributions you have made to the Make-Danielle-a-Woman-Fund.
The WOman

1 comment:

  1. Deep thoughts, o little one. I'm happy to hear that life is here for you and though it is not all good, it is good enough to appreciate the most important part - that of our eternal nature and love. Glad you got that. At the same time, I also sense the long days keeps you tired and homesick, and it is a very honorable lesson that you are learning. Keep at it - you will be immensely stronger and prepared for life. When you get back, you won't be taking any 'sheeeet' from the locals when they complain at school, homework or life, eh? ;)
    By the way, that revelation about having a testimony but not having the skills to communicate it simply is why we have mission prep and great missionaries. May I recommend a few ways to communicate what we believe in?
    1) "We, Latter Day Saints, are part of the original Christian church that Jesus instituted when He was here on earth" (This arouses more wonderful questions - and its true).
    2) "We believe that Jesus instituted His church, only to have his apostles killed and the gospel lost, and now we have the original church re-instituted back on earth through a new prophet" (this completely differentiates us from all other religions and states our uniqueness concisely).
    3) You could also say that our church carries the complete Priesthood authority to act on behalf of Jesus' name on the earth. This is also true, different and conversation provoking.

    As you can tell, the best thing to do is to get people to ask and engage in inquiry, rather than a one time response and no response.

    Today, by the way, after yesterday's 3 inches of snow, was warm and toasty. I will try to get you photos to show you the snow levels and yet we finally warmed up. We hope not to have any more snow. (This weather talk is important you know - it's very British ;)

    Had some difficult decisions at work today, but had to tackle them up front, and it ended up being the right thing to do. It was like going 'through' the problem, and not around it, and it made me feel good for doing the right thing. I think you are experiencing the same, and feel good for having conquered the discomfort and normal tendency to want to avoid. Our 'life muscles' become better and stronger for doing it. Your friends will be amazed at your strength when you come back and display them in the appropriate setting and relationship level.
    Kirin is working very hard and very happily. I'm very happy for her and proud of her. She's also growing up well.
    Alex is finally sleeping well and waking up happy and with less sleep required. Poor boy - may be now he'll finally grow.....

    I won't plan any trips until you give me advance warning on what you have coming up in terms of open time. Also, do confirm if the bank account access through the Collins is working.

    I love you. Hope you had a great nights sleep, and ready to make it better for other people who you serve (remember Basil Faulty as you serve them ;)

    "Unos, dos, trez!"

