Sunday, May 9, 2010

An Uncivilized People

So I went camping. On what was possibly the wettest, coldest day since I've been here. It wasn't too bad though. I left the house at about eleven twenty after showering and packing on a billion layers. I looked so funny walking to the bus stop in my bright blue and purple rain coat, nerdy glasses, backpack and giant yellow galoshes. Ha ha it was great. We met at Canalside Premier Inn and then drove to the campsite which is about forty five minutes away. We drove past the beautiful countryside (more like home) and the campsite was really pretty as well. Their definition of a campsite is like a really big field of grass. :) It was really pretty but nothing like Utah. There were cows and horses just across the way. I have pictures that I'll try to get up.
There was one toilet. A port-a-pody rather about a mile away. Ha ha not quite but it was quite nasty. Once we got there the drinking began. They started with beer and then progressed. Before the full bar came out though, we played football! (soccer). It was so much fun! I was sloshing around in my yellow wellies and we were all slipping everywhere! Not only had it just rained but the grass had just been mowed so there were grass shavings everywhere! It was so much fun sliding and getting dirty and showing them Brits that American girls can play football! Ha ha they were quite surprised to see that I was good. :) I told them I played in high school and everyone wanted me on their team. Workin it with the team- check 1. It was also really funny to see these grown men slipping everywhere and drinking and smoking while they played.
I also scored with the Cereal Box game. It consists of bending over and picking up a box, an empty beer can box in our case, with only your teeth. You can't use your hands or knees either. It was fun showing them how flexible us yanks are. Not only did I shock them with my splits but I shocked myself when I totally did the strattles! Ya! I haven't done those since I was like ten. Naturally, I played it cool like I do it all the time but inside I was like "Somebody take a picture!"
They also played some drinking/shot games that I just watched and laughed at. When people get drunk they get really touchy feely and lovey dovey and sometimes talk about really nasty stuff. On the one hand, it was hilarious to watch them actually fall over and mumble incoherently while trying so hard but on the other hand, it was really gross to watch my boss and managers dance with the young girls or old guys and be all... just gross. Slightly unnerving. I also saw more butts than I ever planned on seeing. From big, black butts to hairy white skinny. Nasty! I heard the F word more times than I ever wanted to hear in my life. Once people get drunk their vocabulary defaults to profanity. It's terrible.
I ate a ton of meat and drank loads of soda but after hitting a pinata, which no one here does apparently, I got really bored. Everyone who is drunk is having a great time but I had nothing to do so I went to my tent, wrote in my journal and went to bed. This was at about ten and I fell asleep alright but I would wake up periodically to screaming or people knocking on my tent door asking who was in there. Crazies. Then it was hard to fall asleep cause it was freezing but I prevailed and left early in the morning to get back here, take a shower and get ready in time for church.
Church was fabulous, as usual. I've learned that it is a real recharger that I absolutely need. I just talked to my mom and she was talking about how back at home in Utah, we get uplifted and recharged daily in our fabulous environment but here it is so dark and dirty that my power diminishes so quickly that I need it more often but get it less. Thus Sunday church and Wednesday institute are very important to me. Very important. I honestly could see myself going home any minute if I didn't have church and the sacrament. It's been cool to learn what a difference that makes in your life. So all you people back in Utah, appreciate the goodness that surrounds you, I know I do. My dad and I were also talking about how this, out here, is the real world and I said I don't like the real world. I'm glad i'm having this experience to better understand the rest of the world but I love my fairytale Utah. I love Utah, I love the gospel and I love you all! TTFN
Love, Princess Danielle


  1. It was so good to talk to you today! We had a wonderful Mothers Day dunch....linner....:) My family spoiled me rotten. I love them so so much. I am so proud of you for staying true to your standards...I know it was probably pretty scary at times being there with your friends when they got drunk and out of control. You are a beautiful strong wonderful young lady. You ARE being watched over and prayed for by all of us who love you.

  2. Hey! Are you sure your new mates aren't able to read all this stuff you've been writing about them!!!!?
    Wouldn't it be terrible if they found this url?...


    How much you going to pay me to NOT let James know your blog address!!?? Heh! Heh! (Bibhau-like-snorting sounds....)

    So glad you saw how people really are when their definition of fun includes copious quantities of chemical lubrication. It's pretty much disgusting, primal and very unattractive. At my October school reunion in London, the girls (well, in my case, old people my age) probably thought they were still 'hot' and came to leer at me with their wanton eyes, over weight bodies and bad, beer breath. "Hhhiii, Beeeenoy! You...look... yummy!" I would have to turn my head just to stop my eyes from watering so much - my contacts were going to slide right out!

    Any way, the best part of this blog was about how you needed to recharge weekly since the rest of the environment was so detrimental to the Spirit. Oh, wise one! That is SO true. Even at home, though, we can also lose the Spirit with our lacksadaisical (sp) approach to rejuvenating with our weekly spiritual injections. I need my daily throughout the day - mucho better, mon ami, savvy? (Mixed up languages...)

    I will read your other blog now.

    We love you very intensely and miss your physical presence - glad to get you emotionally and spiritually on line through this medium though.

    Your faithful steward,

