Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gadfield Elms

Gadfield Elm Chapel
Benbow Farm Pond

Me and Jordan- cutest black man ever! Going to Dominican Republic on his mission.
These are pictures of the view from the gorgeous hills!

Ellie and I with our moustaches.
OH yesterday and today have been so unbelievably beautiful! The weather here is like summer in Utah, just humid. But there is not a cloud in the sky right now and I couldn't be happier about it! Yesterday was the YSA Gadfield Elm trip. I had been really looking forward to it and it didn't disappoint. I left for the chapel around seven forty and was so worried I was going to be late for the coach that was "leaving" at eight thirty. I got there with time to spare, which I should've known knowing Mormon Standard Time. I guess I thought it might be different in the UK. Nope. It was okay though and everyone welcomed me with warm, fuzzy arms. :) everyone here is so great and inclusive. I already fit in. I mean it's been a month, but you know what I'm saying.
Anyway we went to these hills to start with. They are the most gorgeous place I've ever been! Easily the highest place I've been to here and I LOVE my high places! The pictures here don't do it justice in the least. It was like a cartoon almost, how unreal it was. It was windy, with a beautiful view of these little villages. So fantastic! Apparently, they made these ditches to live in these hills during roman war! Awesome, not to mention Brigham Young and other prophets met and taught on these hills and carved their names into trees and stuff. They're not there anymore, naturally. It was a gorgeous place on a gorgeous day with gorgeous people. Gorgeous!
Next we went to the Benbow farm. This is where John Taylor and other prophets baptized a thousand people in one day. In the pond we visited there were at least forty baptisms and John Taylor cleaned out the pond himself. It was beautiful. We then headed to the Gadfield Elm chapel which is the very first LDS chapel EVER! It is a really special place. We had fabulous American burgers, which I've missed dearly, because of the Utahn missionary couples. Fabulous! We then had a little re-enactment and a testimony meeting that was really special. I realized how much I respect the people who live here with the same standards I have but in a much harder environment/society. I learn a lot from the members here and love them all. If it weren't for the people that left beautiful and green England to come to barren Utah and bug-ridden Nauvoo, life would be much different. I'm grateful for them and I'm grateful for the examples I see here and the example I get to be here. It's the ultimate testimony builder and sharer all in one!
Today I was devastated to not go to church due to work for the first time in my life! It was terrible, but one again... it's a learning experience. I'm really starting to understand the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants about being given trials that are for our experience and good. Ya. I got it. :) I really never thought that I could learn so much. That so much new stuff good fit in my head in so little a time. I'll probably have a considerably larger head when I return. My days are full of tiny epiphanies that come to me on the bus or at the bus stop. :) I love it!
I also had to walk/run to work today because of my lack of preparation. I didn't check bus times and thus found out this morning that none come early enough. So I speed walked and ran three and half miles or so to make it to work ON TIME, I'll have you know, for six thirty. Man I'm good! After work me, Hayley and Vanessa had a little bbq dinner out in the sun. Fab! It's a good life! Oh, and I also discovered the song that would play on the soundtrack of my life for this week. Listen and be enlightened. :)


  1. What a gorgeous place! I never even knew the little church existed nor the pond where John Taylor baptized all those people. What a wonderful experience for you to be able to see that first hand...and then thank you for sharing it with all of us! I REALLY need to visit England sometime. I was telling my mom that her sister, cousin, my sister, her, and I should all go and see where my mom and sister were born. How far is Yorkshire from where you are? Love ya love ya love ya!

  2. Danielly - I'm REALLY glad you went to Gadfields, Benbow and got to see the clean, pretty, warm side of England. When it is clear and warm, it is the garden of Eden - green, lush and full of hope. The opposite is true too. As for the Church sites, I didn't know that all of these locations existed closeby or that they existed. You are now our most knowledgeable Tamang representative of Church history sites. May be we cap it off by going to Israel as a family? ;) Mum and I want to do that badly. anyway, I hope you experience many more wonderful locations, sites, and also remember history in general, so if you can see a copy of the Gutenberg bible (it's in the London musuem of history), and the first printing press, and Isaac Newton's contributions, I think you will have a much better perspective of live early on in life than most humans, never mind any Utahn.
    It's fascinating to see so much knowledge (beyond mere information gathering) that you are learning daily. Not just because you are in the center of history (Englad was THE post Roman colonizing center of the world for a while), but because you are getting daily revelations on how you should learn, grow and evolve around life. Those flashes of inspiration are hopefully recorded elsewhere for it will remind later the important things, and give you comfort that Father cares for your growth and continuous development. Plus, if you share it appropriately, we all can learn from it vacariously.
    Quickly, yesterday's birthday party on Sunday was a big success. Brandon BBQ'ed his heart out (good thing, this morning, we continued to snow and about 1 inch has already fallen - and it's the 24th of MAY!!). The Dollars came, Talunga and Nathele, and Shirely & Daniel, and the Mike/Kathy Adam's clan - only Cory and family were missing. Sabina's friend, Jessie Miller (now married with cute child), and Kim, a friend of Ashley Dollar, and Clay were not married-in relatives. Clay hung around until 10 pm with us ;) He came in his white shirt and tie and looked very dashing. He's grown a lot too. Good boy. Of course, after most of the people were gone was the real laughter, accompanied with a walk around the neighborhood, that happened. Again, we're the loudest house in the neighborhood, but as Clay says, 'I like it.' By the way, Clay says his youngest sister now burps in public and she attributes to Clay's girl-in-Birmingham. Hmmmmm........
    Daniel Badal said that Josh is not writing as frequently to his parents and they are pretty ticked off too - you are not alone. Danielle said that Josh did sever this toe completely, and that the reattachment process, though successful in the operating room, does not show whether he has any feelings any more until his boot and cast is taken off. That's going to be a while. Also, interestingly enough, his mind was instructed to not mow up and down a steep slope, but to rather go sideways, but he disregarded the prompting before the accident occurred. Let that me a reminder to us all.
    Well, got to go. Will write more soon.

    Love you, babe.

  3. The rolling hills with the beautiful European people. As we sistas say, "BLISS!"

    However, Utah its not so much BLISS-worthy. SNOW, Danielle. SNOW!!! I'm not talking just a flurry while it's raining. I'm talking 1-inch accumulations on my car and Baby J's oil froze in the lines.
