Sunday, May 16, 2010


This last weekend, I visited the lustrous city of London. It was an adventure for sure, especially going alone. I stayed with Pemba and Sangay who are some of my dad's friends. They are a darling Nepalese couple with a blissful flat by the Themes. I had a fantastic time although it would have been better with someone to share it with. So I guess I'll share it with you all now. :) This was my adventure. It's a little bit backwards so feel free to start from the bottom.

Ha ha he is real. And scratching my head?
Mad glasses from the unreal vintage market near Liverpool! Heaven on Earth!

It just so happened that on the day I visited the palace, they changed the guard! They only do that once a month from what I hear, so it was really cool.
Buckingham Palace! If you look really closely you can see the queen in the back. he he
I'm in the East and West hemispheres at the same time!

Greenwich. Where time starts.
Me and the Themes. It's great being by yourself in London and having to take pictures like this. :)
Westminster Abbey

These elephants are all over the city, with different designs. They're for a "save the elephants" campaign. So cute!
Awesome Fountain
The National Gallery. I spent a good two hours just roaming this place and seeing all the art.
Trafalgar Square
China town!
Me and a nice looking street
Me and Trafalgar Square
Classic tourist moment :)
Me and the London Eye
View from Pemba's flat window. Gorgeous. It is so tranquil there. I loved it.
Little walk on Friday night brought us to this view of the Themes.
The ride on the train had gorgeous views! This is a field of bright yellow flowers! Everything was green and flat and there were cows and sheep everywhere.


  1. Fabulomundo pictures! You actually were right there - Big Ben, Parliament, Palace, Trafalgar Square (where I was at night in October around 3 am ;), and so on. Glad you got the silver robot guy to pat you on your head too. Again, I'm proud of how you are now confident enough to traipse around another country and system. You can do anything.
    Before I forget, I must tell you that Howard Cooper called me up unexpectantly. Having known Garret for a long time, he wanted me to know that Garret brought both parents to the living room this week, sat them down with his girlfriend on his side, and with a choked voice told them that he, Garret, knew that he had disappointed them many times. With the girl on his side, Howard and Bonnie thought, 'oh, no, he's got her pregnant.' Garret then reached behind him and gave him a letter with all seriousness, and Howard thought it was a letter to show what the young couple were planning to do.

    The letter, in fact, turned out to be a secret letter that Garret, the Bishop and the Stake President had worked on, and it was his call to serve a full-time mission to the California Ventura mission!!! Crazy fun, eh?!!!
    Hilarious!!!!! What a story they'll have for many years!

    By the way, since you didn't have Church today, this quote from James E. Faust has been hugely impactful for me the whole week - especially since I know what you are experiencing there, and how we have seen lives changed by people who are selfish and believe they can do what they want.
    From the April 1987 Conference Report, Elder Faust said, "Private choices are not private; they all have public consequences..... Our society is the sum total of what millions of individuals do in their private lives. That sum total of private behavior has worldwide public consequences of enormous magnitude. There are no completely private choices."
    I found this very deep and moving. It explains a TON.

    Alex is looking 50% better, but he still lies around the couch and floor - he's taking a while to recover from this operation.

    Today, for the first time, we got up to 25 Celcius (about 74 F) and it is fabulous. The leaves are coming, the grass is green, and the mountains have snow.

    This week, in preparation for your next trip, I'm going to start with Wales and France, so I can leave the sea side until you have better, warmer weather. Keep an eye on your email.

    I'm glad you still went down to London even without friends and loved ones. You are absolutely right that it is much better with those you know, but you are still making amazing memories. Go figure out what else you want to learn about England, study it online, and then go visit in person - maximize your heritage/history opportunity. May be go back to that museum and learn more.....?

    Love you - talk to you online via this form or email.


  2. You are the bravest young woman I know! What a wonderful excursion! Oh how I wish we could have shared it with you....maybe someday! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pictures! Keep them coming! Also....Benoy....thankyou for sharing President Fausts quote...I have a few people I will share that one with! We all need to be reminded of that often.

  3. Danielley - here's something that I have tried for years to teach, but with you being in Britain, thought this would be great to share:

    Missed Monday's report, or is it just my computer ;)

    Love you, babe.

