Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Busy. Busy. Busy.

For my cute loving comrades!

These are some of the typical Brit cars I've seen around. And they're ADORABLE!
Isn't this darling? It's a Nissan Micra! So cute!
Ha ha ha and I thought Petey looked like a flea. :)
Just a little intro, Moving on.

Wow! So loads has happened and thus I have been busy and unable to fill you all in. I shall start with Monday.
I was off to work for nine after packing to stay the night at the hotel. We were going to do dinner, stayover and breakfast so that we could practice team on team and all go through the "guest experience". We were busy busy busy. I went from coffee training, oh! I already have a funny story! So there was this guy training us on how to use the coffee machine and the recipes and what not and there's this steamer that sprays steam to mix and heat the milk. So he gives us a little peek on how to use it and little does he know, he's sprayed himself right in the crotch! He proceeds, oblivious to the fact that I can hardly keep myself from busting! I struggle for a minute or so to try and keep it under control but I end up leaving for a bit because I can't keep from laughing. So funny! I'm still laughing. Anyway, after coffee training we did cleaning, steak cooking and tasting (they have an option here of blue on the list of how to have it done. Like before rare! It's not that bad, it's pretty much raw but apparently, beef can't make you sick raw so they do it. Who knew?). We also did scenario training and I got to serve dinner to the people I work with. It was my first time actually serving dinner to people and it was really fun. I see how people like waitressing so much. It's a really fun atmosphere.
After serving I got served. Bliss! We have been having the food we offer at the grill all week! We get told what we need to order so that the chefs can practice everything but somehow I get steak and chicken and ribs and chips every time! It's awesome! I've easily gained all the weight back that I lost at the beginning of the trip. :) That went on until about ten o clock and then we had a debriefing. Ha ha but not before I had to make a run for tampons! The hotel was going to close for the night and I needed feminine products! So I asked one of my fellow co-workers to go get me some and she came back with ten pounds! ha ha she thought I said ten pounds instead of tampons! Too good. So there I was literally running across Birmingham city center on the search for an open store. I found one, got the tampons and ran back. Quite the experience. :) Finally after the debrief we got to go to bed.
Oh but not after I called Vanessa to tell her I was okay because I hadn't told her I was staying over and thus I had six missed calls and a bunch of texts telling me how worried they were and asking where I was. Typical teenager. I felt so so bad. But i finally got to bed... to wake up at five to do breakfast. Once again, it was really fun but I had had so little sleep I was easily exhausted after breakfast AND lunch. I was there until three o clock Tuesday. It was a long day.
Today I had the day off! Crazy! It was really nice. I slept in and then went to see How to train your dragon at twelve. I love that movie! It is so so cute! I left the theatre feeling extremely satisfied. The theatre I went to had two floors and escalators. I had to ride one to get to the second floor. So cool! After the movie I did some shopping, got some necessities and some not so necessities. :) It was a good day. Now I am just relaxing until I have to go to bed. I have another early morning tomorrow and there will be a lot more since I'm on breakfast. Oh boy!
That's my life right now. I definitely had an almost breakdown yesterday because I was so tired, it's that time of the month and work is really gruelling since we're about to open. I wanted to go home so so badly. It is pretty hard to believe I've been here for a month, and that I have two more. It is going to be hard. But I can do it! Nuff said. Love you all so much and obviously miss you so much. Love, The Menstruatin' Machine

Sorry for all the female referrals but that's how it is. :)

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