Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Food Safety and Flatulence

Today was really great! I went to work and today we covered food safety and it was a lot of just sitting and listening but I got to be better friends with three+ new people today. Marta is a Bulgarian hear for school. She and I went to the shop to get some sweets this morning and we talked about the language barriers and stuff that we are both experiencing. Really fun. I also sat by these two people, Kevin and Ros, who kept joking about farting and I couldn't stop laughing! They also had a good time mimicking my laugh. Always good. There is one more man named Tyrone who is the darlingest thing! He is a cutie, half black man with a baby girl named Charly! Couldn't get any cuter. He is so nice to me and he is fun to talk to. Not only that, but he quoted White Chicks today and I was sold! If you don't understand the significance, let me fill you in. I quote this movie White Chicks daily and rarely is it appreciated because no one has seen the movie. To have someone else start the White Chick cleverness was great. We got off early, around three thirty, and I went home. Funny thing happened where Hayley happened to get on the very same bus I did on her way home from school.
We got home and we just talked with Vanessa for a good hour about funny things that have happened in their church, from big Jamaican investigators cheering in church to kids choking and the speaker just continuing with his talk. Funny stuff. More bonding, you know. :) We had dinner and watched some TV and then I went to institute. Tasha is the sweetest girl and she has been taking me to institute. I think I am going to get along just fine with the youth in the stake here. They are all so nice and fun. Institute is two hours, one Book of Mormon lesson and one New Testament, and then after they have activities like volleyball. We played that yesterday and it was so fun. I was getting all competitive but having so much fun at the same time. And if I might say so, I was doing pretty well. I might have been the best girl playing...might. Oh! In this movie we watched about the Book of Revelations there is this teen/man in it and after some deliberation I discovered it was the dad from High School Musical! Ha ha! It was so funny! He's really young but it's totally him. :)
Speaking of movies, I totally had a Parent Trap, What a Girl Wants driving-through-the-city-with-purely-music-playing-as-I-gaze-out-the-window-in-awe moments. It was great.
Recap: Today was a really good day. Love you!
Amanda Bynes

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a terrific day for Danielley! Now, time will REALLY start flying by. Good for you, Amanda. Just enjoy, enjoy and enjoy. "Tis good to be you, no?" ;)
    Over here, the weather is atrocious - cool to cold, windy all night, inconsistent sun, and even a felled tree here and there because of the wind bursts. June is halfway through the year and we still don't have any heat!!!
    I don't know if I told you but on Monday, Kyan mowed the front and back lawn for the first time. As usual, with all of my 8 year olds, it looked like this little person fighting this big machine - tugging because it went to far, leaning on it to turn it around (face all pinched in a tight grimace with effort and to show Dad that it is hard work), and ultimately, as it always does, causing the little person to beam with pride for having accomplished a hard thing on their own. He even got to blow the grass off the cement and driveway, and he was practically leaning on one side to counter the large, vibrating 'flamethrower' that he used viciously from side to side. AND, he was grinning as he imagined wiping out broad swaths of enemies with his amazing weapon. He was complaining about the first 15 minutes of the project, but started having fun when he realized that he was not going to get out of it while one parent after another kept a supportive but beady eye on him (mostly for safety reasons, but he doesn't know that). Again, at the end, he was grinning and proud of his handiwork. Again, I believe we need hard things so we can learn to be able, to fight, to exercise choice, and to develop confidence to learn new things on our own.
    Then last night, around 8:15 pm, because I was at the office starting a late investment meeting, Kirin drops by and plops herself right into this serious meeting. He was very happy, listened and occasionally made comments as I was explaining the millions of dollars of investment return. She was very cute, and helped me 'sell' the business opportunity with her bouncy self. It was really cute. We then left just before 10 pm - a long day, but made tremendously better by my only remaining girl at home....... ;(
    Will work on your London trip. Please let me know the banking situation, and keep an eye out for your email. Also talk to the locals to find out the famous part of Birmingham (is there one? ;) - so you can maximize your time there safely and have fun.
    Cheerio! YFD
