Monday, May 31, 2010

England is Where I Live

Now, I am finally feeling like this: England is where I live. I live in England. I'm not just visiting right now, I feel comfortable being here. I can see how it's going to get harder and harder to leave this place. I'm definitely on my way to loving it here. There have been some experiences I've had this weekend that have led to this point, they go as follows:
Wednesday(not exactly the weekend, but)- Institute BBQ, incredibly fun! It felt just like any church activity in Utah just with different people. I have become friends with almost everyone here and this has added immensely to my happiness and comfort.
Friday- Me and Ellie went to a movie together and bonded loads. We are now very very good friends and I love it!
Saturday- on Wednesday I earned a spot on the Birmingham stake A volleyball team. So I was invited to the tournament on Saturday. I got off work early at about eleven thirty and went straight to the train station to meet Ellie. We proceeded to Solihull where we met up with two boys from our stake, Josh (Baby Kobs) and Peter. We hitched a ride with them to Lichfield where we played our little hearts out and got third place in the tournament. It was so much fun! You can see on facebook some of the pictures. I wore my purple jump suit just for the occasion so you can't miss me. :) After volleyball, me, Peter, Ellie and Josh went to Pete's house so he could take a shower. Pete is coming to BYU this fall for school and to play Rugby. We ate pizza and played some card games including bum, which is the equivalent of scum. So much fun! We then headed to my church building for some food and more volleyball. It was a great night.
Sunday- got to go to church! Took the sacrament. I feel like I belong here now and that's going to make it hard to leave. Weird how our emotions can change so easily and effect us so much. WEIRD! I love it though. After church, Ellie, Hayley and I did a good two hours of Disney karaoke. Not only did we sing the words, but we fully acted out each song for each other. I am so playing this game with everyone at home, it's a complete blast! After that, we made food, watched a movie and took pictures of us jumping off the couch and thrusting. I am such a good influence over here! Swearing in church and teaching the young girls to thrust their pelvises. :) Good times.
Today- I had work off and Hayley didn't have school so we sent to Stratford together. It was a fabulous day. We saw Shakespeare's birthplace, tomb and home/garden, rowed a boat on the river Avon, had ice cream and Mcdonalds! Can it get any better?! We also bonded a buttload and I love it so much! Life in England from now is going to be fab! I've got friends in the church that I will stay friends with forever! I'm also going to a party on Wednesday for one of my new found friends. I'm just so excited!
I think I was so homesick before because I was missing my family and friends, had nothing/no one to replace them for the time being and I thought I was missing out on a summer. But now I am having a new kind of summer over here in the UK and I'm seeing how great is can be to change things up once in a while. Life is Good.
Just to end with a hilarious note, I'll tell you a story. So I have decided to start jogging cause walking's just not cutting it, believe it or not. So I get some new shoes and head out. I've been running for about ten minutes and I'm feeling good, like this is no problem, I can do this and SPLAT! I proper fall flat on my face. My phone goes flying and shatters everywhere (it's fine, this part's just for effect). Naturally, there is a group of Indian women watching and witnessing the tragedy of a grown adult full on tripping! HA HA! It was so funny but it hurt so bad. I have a large scrape on my knee, bruising on my thigh, knee, elbow and shoulder as well as a chunk taken out of my hand. I cut my jog short and headed home, bleeding and laughing. After getting slightly lost, I arrive back at home and dress the wounds. It was fantastic and just added to my happiness. Good huh?
Well, I must sleep now. I have an early morning. But Life is good here and I'm finally starting to love it here. I'll keep you up to date with my adventures.


  1. Great note/blog, and turn of events. Now your real summer has begun, and you are going to LOVE the rest of the time. Now this is a phase that everyone goes through, and how it is a required transition for all people into new countries, cultures and colours. Good for you, Danielle.
    Maximize every opportunity. I'm really glad you got to go to the Bard's birth place - Kirin is in fact reading 'Taming of the Shrew' right now.
    We just got back from celebrating Memorial Day up at Grandpa's home. Everyone came. Grandpa gave the sweetest message of love and the plan of salvation before eating to everyone. He made us cry - he was very tender. Very unusual. Christi went and got him some Kleenex because she didn't want to see him cry. It was very unusual, and touching. All but the Adams family gave him a hug afterwards (go figure!).
    He told me he loved me and appreciated me. That was how soft he was today.
    Shirley and Dan were the most fun to be with, and then I spent time with Cory and Tressa. Kirin and I had a GREAT time recording some songs for you, and hope to have them uploaded and sent to you via email - keep an eye out. Kirin is sounding better and more confident every day.
    Today, we were generally warmer at 72 degrees F, and I think summer is finally coming. It's about time.
    Mum had the cold over the weekend and today felt much better. It's hard not to have the Mum of the house healthy - everybody suffers when that happens ;)

    Hey, got to tell you a secret....

    I love your Mum. She's my sweetie!

    Talk next time, and glad you are ready to REALLY have a great time now.


  2. I am so happy you are feeling more comfortable there. But don't start thinking you belong there...cause we miss you alot! Sabina came over was so good to see her!

  3. i wish i could have seen that fall and done it with you... we would've rolled in that puddle together laughing till our sides split. lOve and Miss you!!
