Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sleeping Policeman

Today at work we talked about a program called Good Together which is about all employees of Whitbread working together to be more green. You know with the environment and things. Apparently, the US is way ahead of Britain in that area and this became apparent after we listed things we'd seen or could do and I had loads more than everyone else. Interesting Huh? We also got to go into the restaurant site today for the first time. It's really pretty. Very modern and cool. It was a good day at work and we got off early once again! Fabulous.
While I was at work I learned something having to do with the title of today's blog. Here, they call speed bumps, speed humps and naturally I think this is strange because I've seen signs that say "Slow Humping Ahead". You get the picture. :) So I expressed my distress to a fellow employee, Johnny, who said that they also call them sleeping policemen! Ha ha ha! I laughed so hard! I do love their sayings here. They also call nail polish, nail varnish. Weird.
Random little story- I was walking down the street and my eyes beheld this man bending over and his playboy undies were just hanging out. Ripe for wedgie! Don't worry, I didn't but it took a lot to not just grab and yank. Can you imagine? Among other things, I have learned to refrain from doing what comes naturally sometimes because it is not always socially acceptable. :)
That's about it today. I exercised and met the Collins' grandson Jamie. He is adorable little ten year old who talks like he's much much older. Other than that, not much. I am slightly tired from my late night volleyball so I kickin it early. This weekend is the team night out. Camping. In England. Ha ha it's going to be an experience. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Love, Wedgie Queen!


  1. Hey! I just realized something. I'm the ONLY one commenting!!!!! What's up with everyone else?!! I saw two comments on two blogs, and quickly clicked to see who was the other contributor. Guess what? They were both me!!!
    Any way, slow humping or not, those Bobbies sure need a lie-down occasionally ;)
    Thank you for not pulling a wedgie in public to an innocent stranger. You may have had to leg it if you did though - they don't understand Yanks over there.
    Glad you're aware of how green you are. The Brits are surrounded by green so they don't understand how to be green. If they are, in the past, they have been green with envy at the expats who sport the 'sexy accents.'
    Over 'ere, we woz pretty busy. Got up at 4:30 because we had an online campaign that started at 5 am MST, and I wasn't sure my guys had everything ready. Thank fully they did. So, I fell asleep by the fireplace (surprise, surprise) for 15 minutes. I was pretty lethargic all day because of it. I had a difficult conversation with an employee - never fun - but necessary. Ended up going down to Orem for another meeting, returned a pair of shoes for Alex, and returned back to Alpine for more meetings that were good.
    Alex and Ky had a dance recital that Mum took a video of - should post it for you some time. All the boys are getting better at dancing with the right 'tude.
    Hey, in case you didn't know, I love our Heavenly Brother. Without Him, none of this would be possible. No internet, no SKYPE, no Danielle, no fun, no love and no joy. I think I am tired too (but still grateful).

    I'm going to bed. I love you (without all the touchy stuff of the British pugs over there).


  2. Dad, relax! We have been communicating via email and facebook. We all love her just as much as you do, save the inherent paternal instincts you possess.

    DANIELLY! I had to do everything I could not to cackle in our Tamang-way in the office when I read the "SLOW HUMPING AHEAD". This is good material. Continue to keep us in on the lingo so we can adopt it for our own. Soon, our evil plan to take the States over with our wits will be complete! (Especially with this "borrowed" material!)

    Quick story: You know how customers can leave a note on their invoices? Amie Pendleton comes in laughing and shows me a note that simply states, "I have old bag boobies!" BAAAAAAHAHAHAHA! Instant pee. It was a wonderful start to my day, made all the more bettah due to the fact that I am updated on my younger sister's going's on.


    -The smoothie addict
