Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Church is True

The church is true. I know it. I live it. I love it. I know it is what makes me happy and I couldn't be more grateful for it. Today I went to church with Hayley and Vanessa and it was very good. They have a much more relaxed environment at church, but it is still the same. There are lots of darling babies as well that I adore. I go to Relief Society first, then Sunday school with the young single adults and then sacrament. The missionary I told you about is already leaving this area so this was his last week. Kind of sad because he was the only other Utahn around but I shall survive. He is a good missionary though and I'm glad to have met him.
Something I have learned about this here Island is that without the gospel or substance in their lives, people are a little lost. I'm not saying that everyone without a knowledge of the gospel is bad or incapable of happiness, but I have seen that people here rely more on their looks and appearance to stand out or express their uniqueness. Whereas in Utah we are very plain, pretty and comfortable for the most part with being that way. Here I am plain Jane for sure! You may think I have eccentric style but you ain't seen nothin! Here people have piercings in places I will never understand and tattoos of things I hope not to understand and it is weird but at the same time that is how they express themselves. I think that is also why everyone here is so dang stylish! I am in awe at the fabulous clothes that are so readily available and so easily at my disposable. I easily love it. I can just understand why looks are so much a part of the culture here and don't you fret, I will not get caught up in it but I may come back more exposed to good fashion. ho ho ho. :)
We had this man named Brian over for dinner today and he is absolutely the most interesting thing! He is missing a good four teeth and he has a fabulous pop belly and old professor clothes. He is also the most intelligent man in the world. He has four doctorates (one of which is his main practice-Sociology;) and he knows just about anything and everything! I have been told to think of the most obscure question I can and ask him and I have been guaranteed an extensive, correct answer. He is brilliant and funny and weird and blind. Vanessa says that she used to have to take care of him because he was so blind, he would go to the store to buy tissues and come back with tampons! Ha ha so funny. It is kind of sad but he has had surgery and will hopefully be just fine after one more. I like him a lot. I also watched Treasure Planet today and I absolutely love that movie. If I were a character I would be Morph because he is so dang adorable and well as very flexible and good at impressions. :)
I got to talk to Sabina on Skype already and I am anxiously awaiting a call from Clay and my family. Tis a very good day. Tomorrow is a bank holiday which means I don't have work and I don't know what to do with myself. :) We'll see how creative I can be. Love you!


  1. Clay and Corrine made it over here for momo Sunday - it was great! They were both hugged and loved as treasured ones, and I was so happy to see them both so stuffed that they laid out on the floor (Corrine on the couch with a blankie and I think she dozed off a few times - a very good sign that she is comfortable here too). Any way, as usual, very good 'ambiance'.

    Mum had a great sequence of family home evening material about what the new family currency would be for chores, foods, and such. Kirin got excited. Alex drew more protest signals.

    By the way, Alex gets his tonsils out on Friday, and we hope after the requisite recovery period, he turns into a new man. Right now, he is one slow, sleep deprived drunkard. I am a bit worried about how much MORE he will eat afterwards though........

    Ky loved Coco enough to ask her to 'sleep over' at least 4 times - very sweet. He is very comfortable with her.

    Well, hope you have a great day tomorrow, baby. I'm going to pray to my Father and thank him for letting my 'BB' (British babe) understand more about how precious this gift we have in a safe, supportive home with the Collins. Yes, we are incredibly fortunate to have this Gospel - that's why we can't be shy about sharing it with everyone.
    By the way, Brian sounds wonderful. I could talk a bit and listen more for hours with a guy like that around. Do invest more time with such a person (and good for the Collins' for helping such a great guy out).
    Going to bed - love you.

  2. This is from Angela Spaulding, Danielle (I posted it up for her since she didn't have a gmail account or others...)

    You are awesome. I am so glad you are there. I didn't know you were going until I got this email of your blog. I have been out of town moving my Mother-in-law here to Utah. I am glad you are enjoying yourself. Keep having fun and keep us posted of your happenings. All kids are doing great. Ashley has moved to her new place and loves her room mates. much better than her last place. Other kids are plugging along in school. Everyone is ready for summer. We missed you for momo's yesterday. We will catch you in a few months. Take care and have fun. Love Angela and Gang
