Friday, April 30, 2010

T.G.I. Friday

I am very happy for the weekend. Just because it is a nice break from all this work. Now. I'm not sure what to do with my extra time though. I got invited to a YSA convention this weekend but I didn't go because it cost money and I didn't know far enough in advance, but that's okay. Tomorrow I am going to the cinema with Hayley and friends to see iron man 2. That should be fun.
Today was a really good day at work. It was what we call spread the word day and more team building. Once again I was the leader but I did have help this time, from Johnny. We met this morning and then headed out as groups on a scavenger hunt that me and the managers prepared the other day. The objective was to get the team to know the area around the site and think about the competition around and the services provided. It was cool to sound like I knew what I was doing (cause I kind of did) and everyone listened to me. It was a really chill day and I just got to know the staff better. They are all very welcoming to me and I feel much more comfortable around them. It will make this summer better. I have officially been here a week! It is so crazy and awesome and slightly sad when I think about how I have like twelve weeks left. I really think I might have an English accent when I come home. If not, it will just be weird to hear American accents. :)
We got done with work around two today which was fantastic! We have all gelled really well together and really quickly which the managers are all impressed to see. I feel like work here is almost like back at home because they want it to be relaxed and everyone to feel comfortable with one another. It is nice. Since I got off work early, I decided to roam the city a little while I was there. I went into the bullring which is the massive mall and was slightly overwhelmed! It is so incredibly massive. I shall show you a picture of just one area of the mall... as soon as I can get the pictures transferred! Oh! Saddest thing. Luigi (my camera) is dead. I know! I couldn't be sadder and it couldn't be worse timing but it is true. I got to use Hayley's today but the memory chip is a different size and thus I'm going to have to do some transferring. I guess I'll have to purchase another camera while I'm here but I don't know if that's a good idea because it might not hold the American size card. I need help!
Despite the camera lossage, I am still getting pictures to document so please just bear with while I adjust. So there are quite a few words and phrases that they use here that are different from our own and which make my life hard when trying to understand the already hard to understand brits. Here are some I have learned:
  • Bullocks- still not sure on definition but I think it's like a rude way of saying "nonsense"
  • Fag= cigarette
  • Chips=fries
  • Crisps=chips, and they have every nasty flavor possible. They have full on meal flavors on their crisps. For example, ham and cheese and roast chicken and bacon, etc. So gross.
  • Hen night out= bachelorette party
  • Stag night out= bachelor party
  • Cheers=thanks and a lot of other stuff
  • Trainers= sneakers or tennis shoes
  • Pants= underwear, that's a hard one to get used to. ;)
  • Cotton Spuds= Cutips
  • Toilets, Loo= Restroom
  • Humps= speed bumps he he
  • I can't be bothered or I'm not bothered= I don't feel the need or I don't really want to
  • Queue= line, like at the store or shop
  • There are more and more, especially phrases that I keep having to ask about and naturally, sometimes I get laughed at, but most of the time everyone is really understanding about it.
I watched a movie for the first time today since I've been here and it was The Series of Unfortunate Events. :) It was quite good. The weather here is almost as bad as Utah weather! It has been on and off sunny and rainy all day today. Really strange. But the umbrellas I received from Jill and Katie have been very valuable, I use them a lot.
Oh! I learned today how fantastically easy our grade school is compared to here! Hayley was telling me all this stuff she has to do for her exams that started this month and go through like May or something! Outrageous stuff! Like composing music for music class and playing it, art portfolios that are massive and hard, for textiles they have to make a full on prom dress and they have months to do it. It blows me away. It's kind of sad that we don't do the same thing because we don't learn as much but I still enjoyed my time in school. Oh and... their schools are all boy or all girl. Rough. They even have prom for the only girl schools and they don't bring dates or anything! Ha ha so funny. Just a bunch of girls looking nice for each other. Ha ha. Anyway, I think I'm just going to hang with the Collins tonight. I hope you all are having a great time over there. I love you all so much. Love, Danielle (couldn't think of a clever name today:)

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget

    'Lorry' - truck
    'Knickers in a twist' - uptight or irritated
    'kabosh' - put a stop to things

    What's the newest slang for the Police now over there?

    Hey, it was great to talk today, and looking forward to chatting on Sunday. The gang will be just back from Church.

    Not much to say but to let you know that the 'daily dose of Danielle' is sorely needed as much as you may need us.

    Have a wonderful Saturday, and let us know what you think of the new Ironman 2 movie.

