Monday, May 31, 2010

England is Where I Live

Now, I am finally feeling like this: England is where I live. I live in England. I'm not just visiting right now, I feel comfortable being here. I can see how it's going to get harder and harder to leave this place. I'm definitely on my way to loving it here. There have been some experiences I've had this weekend that have led to this point, they go as follows:
Wednesday(not exactly the weekend, but)- Institute BBQ, incredibly fun! It felt just like any church activity in Utah just with different people. I have become friends with almost everyone here and this has added immensely to my happiness and comfort.
Friday- Me and Ellie went to a movie together and bonded loads. We are now very very good friends and I love it!
Saturday- on Wednesday I earned a spot on the Birmingham stake A volleyball team. So I was invited to the tournament on Saturday. I got off work early at about eleven thirty and went straight to the train station to meet Ellie. We proceeded to Solihull where we met up with two boys from our stake, Josh (Baby Kobs) and Peter. We hitched a ride with them to Lichfield where we played our little hearts out and got third place in the tournament. It was so much fun! You can see on facebook some of the pictures. I wore my purple jump suit just for the occasion so you can't miss me. :) After volleyball, me, Peter, Ellie and Josh went to Pete's house so he could take a shower. Pete is coming to BYU this fall for school and to play Rugby. We ate pizza and played some card games including bum, which is the equivalent of scum. So much fun! We then headed to my church building for some food and more volleyball. It was a great night.
Sunday- got to go to church! Took the sacrament. I feel like I belong here now and that's going to make it hard to leave. Weird how our emotions can change so easily and effect us so much. WEIRD! I love it though. After church, Ellie, Hayley and I did a good two hours of Disney karaoke. Not only did we sing the words, but we fully acted out each song for each other. I am so playing this game with everyone at home, it's a complete blast! After that, we made food, watched a movie and took pictures of us jumping off the couch and thrusting. I am such a good influence over here! Swearing in church and teaching the young girls to thrust their pelvises. :) Good times.
Today- I had work off and Hayley didn't have school so we sent to Stratford together. It was a fabulous day. We saw Shakespeare's birthplace, tomb and home/garden, rowed a boat on the river Avon, had ice cream and Mcdonalds! Can it get any better?! We also bonded a buttload and I love it so much! Life in England from now is going to be fab! I've got friends in the church that I will stay friends with forever! I'm also going to a party on Wednesday for one of my new found friends. I'm just so excited!
I think I was so homesick before because I was missing my family and friends, had nothing/no one to replace them for the time being and I thought I was missing out on a summer. But now I am having a new kind of summer over here in the UK and I'm seeing how great is can be to change things up once in a while. Life is Good.
Just to end with a hilarious note, I'll tell you a story. So I have decided to start jogging cause walking's just not cutting it, believe it or not. So I get some new shoes and head out. I've been running for about ten minutes and I'm feeling good, like this is no problem, I can do this and SPLAT! I proper fall flat on my face. My phone goes flying and shatters everywhere (it's fine, this part's just for effect). Naturally, there is a group of Indian women watching and witnessing the tragedy of a grown adult full on tripping! HA HA! It was so funny but it hurt so bad. I have a large scrape on my knee, bruising on my thigh, knee, elbow and shoulder as well as a chunk taken out of my hand. I cut my jog short and headed home, bleeding and laughing. After getting slightly lost, I arrive back at home and dress the wounds. It was fantastic and just added to my happiness. Good huh?
Well, I must sleep now. I have an early morning. But Life is good here and I'm finally starting to love it here. I'll keep you up to date with my adventures.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I shall begin with an explanation of the title of this little blog- I know you're all dying to know. :) It is a shameful, humorous story that involves volleyball, church and profane slippage. Intense. So last night I went to a YSA institute BBQ and we played volleyball ( I also played some rockband, ping pong and dodgeball, but that's irrelevant:). A lot of the people who play get really competitive, me included. It's not against anyone, just internal competitiveness- you know "I gotta show how American's do it. :) So I was serving on the game point, our team is winning. Someone has a genius idea to shout out "game point!" as I lift the ball the serve. No pressure. So I swing, it goes straight into the net, I shout "OH Sh**!" !!!!!!!!!!! In the church! Surrounded by fellow Latter-Day Saint youth! What an impression. As soon as a said it, there was an eruption of OOOHHHH! from everyone around me. I was horrified! I went bright red and fell to the ground, laughing in hysteria really. They were really great about it though. I received comforting comments like "don't worry" and "we were all thinking it". Ha ha the thing is that here, ass, damn and dammit aren't swear words! The church members say them all the time! (I find it quite humorous he he) But of all the words I could let slip, it had to be a swear word to all. Sometimes being surrounded by men and women who say such profane things all the time gets to you.
That's a story for y'all. They must have liked my playing though, because I have been asked to play on the A team for a multi-stake tournament on Saturday. I'm pretty excited! Yesterday I had a nice, long chat with Tony. It was really cool. We talked about everything from mine and my dad's jobs to General Conference in other countries to Corrine (his daughter in Utah) to eventually, a heated dispute of how some people can be judgmental about others who aren't LDS and it ended with me giving in to Tony's stubborn opinion. It was okay though cause I got to talk to him and we got to know each other better. :)
Today I was quite tired because I went to bed at twelve and woke up at four fifty for work. But I did it and had a nice day at work. Breakfast was nice and slow and lunch was quite busy. I like working at Colemore Bar and Grill. I'll take some pictures soon so you can see where I work everyday. It's really nice. Cause it's new. I came home, slept for a couple of hours, talked to my dad and here I am. It's a fun life. :)
My final remarks- I love you all and can't imagine living without your support and love. Kirin, I could use another video of some songs because I'm pretty sure I just watch your other ones over and over and over. I love it! Hope all is well in far, far away.
Love, Danielle (Dammit!:)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Everyday is a Lifetime

Life is still going. I'm still learning. The last two days seem kind of just there. Work is real now. Real as in real customers come in and we can make real mistakes. :) It's been alright though. Not too busy so it's manageable. I start with breakfast at six and then go through lunch until three. I got to host today for breakfast and it was really great! I welcomed the guests with my American pearly whites :) and checked them off on a sheet and sat them down. It feels really good to make people happy, you know? I can understand why customer service is so great but can also be so hard. When people don't respond how you hope or would like, you feel slightly like the world is crashing. Ha ha it's a love/hate relationship.
A guy at my work did ask me about the church yesterday. I learned that even though I have such a strong testimony, sometimes it helps to know the basics and how to describe this gospel that makes me so happy. I tried to explain in a nutshell what we believe and did alright. Looking back it makes me a little embarrassed to think that I am so bad at answering a simple question. The guy, Sean, was just wondering what I believed but that could be where it starts. To say the least, I was devastated walking home after. I realized how a testimony is necessary but the ability to teach takes preparation. I definitely appreciate missionaries more! After my sadness I find I always comfort myself with the fact that I learned from these experiences and if nothing else, they know I'm LDS and they know what I'm like. Hopefully my example being a person will stick with LDS "Mormons" in their memory for the future.
I have had the saddest moments in my life here but every single one is immediately replaced by a better understanding of and comfort from the Ultimate Father above. Man! It's good to have a Heavenly Father! I love Him! I love my earthly, cute, Asian father as well. A whole buttload!
Life is still good! Everyday is a lifetime. Full of successes and failures, love and heartbreaks, friends and not-so-friends, decisions and lack thereof, homesickness and content, England and Utah, home and where I live, Danielle the girl and Danielle the WOMAN! I am proud to say that I think I am reaching such a status at least once a day. It's rough growing up! I love you all and am so thankful for the contributions you have made to the Make-Danielle-a-Woman-Fund.
The WOman

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gadfield Elms

Gadfield Elm Chapel
Benbow Farm Pond

Me and Jordan- cutest black man ever! Going to Dominican Republic on his mission.
These are pictures of the view from the gorgeous hills!

Ellie and I with our moustaches.
OH yesterday and today have been so unbelievably beautiful! The weather here is like summer in Utah, just humid. But there is not a cloud in the sky right now and I couldn't be happier about it! Yesterday was the YSA Gadfield Elm trip. I had been really looking forward to it and it didn't disappoint. I left for the chapel around seven forty and was so worried I was going to be late for the coach that was "leaving" at eight thirty. I got there with time to spare, which I should've known knowing Mormon Standard Time. I guess I thought it might be different in the UK. Nope. It was okay though and everyone welcomed me with warm, fuzzy arms. :) everyone here is so great and inclusive. I already fit in. I mean it's been a month, but you know what I'm saying.
Anyway we went to these hills to start with. They are the most gorgeous place I've ever been! Easily the highest place I've been to here and I LOVE my high places! The pictures here don't do it justice in the least. It was like a cartoon almost, how unreal it was. It was windy, with a beautiful view of these little villages. So fantastic! Apparently, they made these ditches to live in these hills during roman war! Awesome, not to mention Brigham Young and other prophets met and taught on these hills and carved their names into trees and stuff. They're not there anymore, naturally. It was a gorgeous place on a gorgeous day with gorgeous people. Gorgeous!
Next we went to the Benbow farm. This is where John Taylor and other prophets baptized a thousand people in one day. In the pond we visited there were at least forty baptisms and John Taylor cleaned out the pond himself. It was beautiful. We then headed to the Gadfield Elm chapel which is the very first LDS chapel EVER! It is a really special place. We had fabulous American burgers, which I've missed dearly, because of the Utahn missionary couples. Fabulous! We then had a little re-enactment and a testimony meeting that was really special. I realized how much I respect the people who live here with the same standards I have but in a much harder environment/society. I learn a lot from the members here and love them all. If it weren't for the people that left beautiful and green England to come to barren Utah and bug-ridden Nauvoo, life would be much different. I'm grateful for them and I'm grateful for the examples I see here and the example I get to be here. It's the ultimate testimony builder and sharer all in one!
Today I was devastated to not go to church due to work for the first time in my life! It was terrible, but one again... it's a learning experience. I'm really starting to understand the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants about being given trials that are for our experience and good. Ya. I got it. :) I really never thought that I could learn so much. That so much new stuff good fit in my head in so little a time. I'll probably have a considerably larger head when I return. My days are full of tiny epiphanies that come to me on the bus or at the bus stop. :) I love it!
I also had to walk/run to work today because of my lack of preparation. I didn't check bus times and thus found out this morning that none come early enough. So I speed walked and ran three and half miles or so to make it to work ON TIME, I'll have you know, for six thirty. Man I'm good! After work me, Hayley and Vanessa had a little bbq dinner out in the sun. Fab! It's a good life! Oh, and I also discovered the song that would play on the soundtrack of my life for this week. Listen and be enlightened. :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How I Feel

This morning I was up at four a.m.! In order to catch the four forty five bus to work for five thirty, I had to be up early enough. It wasn't too bad because I went to bed around nine thirty. I guess I best get used to it because I'm on breakfast. Today was nice because we just did breakfast and then we got to go home! We served our first real breakfast today and it was kind of hard. We have an all you can eat breakfast but it's not a buffet, but plated. So the guests tell us what they want and we get it for them. I don't think this method works very well. We end up getting backed up twenty minutes and losing track of who's been checked on and it just makes life harder than a buffet. We're going to talk to James though and see if we can change that. The rest of my day has been totally relaxed. I took a nap cause I was pooped and then I've just been reading and watching stuff.
Guess what!? I don't have work the next two days either! Which means I can go to this YSA activity I wanted to go to on Saturday. The bad news is that I work on Sunday during church. It's quite devastating really but I was talking to Vanessa today about working on Sunday and here it is sometimes a necessity, because if you don't work that Sunday, you may lose your job to somebody who will. It's really sad and I don't like that they/I have to live with that. I just read in 1 Nephi about the millenium and when Jesus will rule and I just can't wait. I can't wait for everyone to be living the happy, fabulous lives that everyone dreams of. No one will have to work on Sunday! My patriarchal blessing has been just that, a blessing, out here as well. Along with praying and talking to Heavenly Father, I also get to read his letter that he's written to me through my patriarch. I find it to be perfect for me and reassuring when I'm out here, in the "real world", all alone. If you don't have your patriarchal blessing yet, get it. Sure you're supposed to wait until you're ready but I feel that whenever you get it you'll be ready. It will make you ready. I've found that I feel this way about missions as well. I think that you are supposed to feel ready and want to serve a mission but some of that preparation and desire comes when you just follow the Lord in faith and go. Sometimes you've just got to buck up and do what you know is right. Coming here has been the hardest thing ever! It may sound like a dream come true and it is, but it is so incredibly hard to keep the eternal perspective in mind. I get sad when I think about how I'm missing this summer at home and all the happiness and comfort I have there and then I think about how I probably wouldn't feel this way if I hadn't left. I know I wouldn't appreciate Utah, my family, my friends, my lifestyle if I hadn't gotten away from it all. Terrible and fabulous all in one.
That's how I feel right now. A lot of stuff goes through my head these days so I decided to spit some of it out. While saying these things I'm hoping that I'll be able to apply them as well. If I can see this experience in the right way and think about how it's just a teensy bit of my life spent learning to appreciate the things that I hopefully will have with me the rest of my life, I can be strong and not feel the need to fly home right away before I have to leave my comfort zone. Ha ha it has happened many a time here. :) If these "words of wisdom" don't help anyone else, they are for my benefit and future use so... "let it be". Love you all so much and know that God lives and with him we can be strong amidst the weak and happy amongst the sad.
The Beatles

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Busy. Busy. Busy.

For my cute loving comrades!

These are some of the typical Brit cars I've seen around. And they're ADORABLE!
Isn't this darling? It's a Nissan Micra! So cute!
Ha ha ha and I thought Petey looked like a flea. :)
Just a little intro, Moving on.

Wow! So loads has happened and thus I have been busy and unable to fill you all in. I shall start with Monday.
I was off to work for nine after packing to stay the night at the hotel. We were going to do dinner, stayover and breakfast so that we could practice team on team and all go through the "guest experience". We were busy busy busy. I went from coffee training, oh! I already have a funny story! So there was this guy training us on how to use the coffee machine and the recipes and what not and there's this steamer that sprays steam to mix and heat the milk. So he gives us a little peek on how to use it and little does he know, he's sprayed himself right in the crotch! He proceeds, oblivious to the fact that I can hardly keep myself from busting! I struggle for a minute or so to try and keep it under control but I end up leaving for a bit because I can't keep from laughing. So funny! I'm still laughing. Anyway, after coffee training we did cleaning, steak cooking and tasting (they have an option here of blue on the list of how to have it done. Like before rare! It's not that bad, it's pretty much raw but apparently, beef can't make you sick raw so they do it. Who knew?). We also did scenario training and I got to serve dinner to the people I work with. It was my first time actually serving dinner to people and it was really fun. I see how people like waitressing so much. It's a really fun atmosphere.
After serving I got served. Bliss! We have been having the food we offer at the grill all week! We get told what we need to order so that the chefs can practice everything but somehow I get steak and chicken and ribs and chips every time! It's awesome! I've easily gained all the weight back that I lost at the beginning of the trip. :) That went on until about ten o clock and then we had a debriefing. Ha ha but not before I had to make a run for tampons! The hotel was going to close for the night and I needed feminine products! So I asked one of my fellow co-workers to go get me some and she came back with ten pounds! ha ha she thought I said ten pounds instead of tampons! Too good. So there I was literally running across Birmingham city center on the search for an open store. I found one, got the tampons and ran back. Quite the experience. :) Finally after the debrief we got to go to bed.
Oh but not after I called Vanessa to tell her I was okay because I hadn't told her I was staying over and thus I had six missed calls and a bunch of texts telling me how worried they were and asking where I was. Typical teenager. I felt so so bad. But i finally got to bed... to wake up at five to do breakfast. Once again, it was really fun but I had had so little sleep I was easily exhausted after breakfast AND lunch. I was there until three o clock Tuesday. It was a long day.
Today I had the day off! Crazy! It was really nice. I slept in and then went to see How to train your dragon at twelve. I love that movie! It is so so cute! I left the theatre feeling extremely satisfied. The theatre I went to had two floors and escalators. I had to ride one to get to the second floor. So cool! After the movie I did some shopping, got some necessities and some not so necessities. :) It was a good day. Now I am just relaxing until I have to go to bed. I have another early morning tomorrow and there will be a lot more since I'm on breakfast. Oh boy!
That's my life right now. I definitely had an almost breakdown yesterday because I was so tired, it's that time of the month and work is really gruelling since we're about to open. I wanted to go home so so badly. It is pretty hard to believe I've been here for a month, and that I have two more. It is going to be hard. But I can do it! Nuff said. Love you all so much and obviously miss you so much. Love, The Menstruatin' Machine

Sorry for all the female referrals but that's how it is. :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010


This last weekend, I visited the lustrous city of London. It was an adventure for sure, especially going alone. I stayed with Pemba and Sangay who are some of my dad's friends. They are a darling Nepalese couple with a blissful flat by the Themes. I had a fantastic time although it would have been better with someone to share it with. So I guess I'll share it with you all now. :) This was my adventure. It's a little bit backwards so feel free to start from the bottom.

Ha ha he is real. And scratching my head?
Mad glasses from the unreal vintage market near Liverpool! Heaven on Earth!

It just so happened that on the day I visited the palace, they changed the guard! They only do that once a month from what I hear, so it was really cool.
Buckingham Palace! If you look really closely you can see the queen in the back. he he
I'm in the East and West hemispheres at the same time!

Greenwich. Where time starts.
Me and the Themes. It's great being by yourself in London and having to take pictures like this. :)
Westminster Abbey

These elephants are all over the city, with different designs. They're for a "save the elephants" campaign. So cute!
Awesome Fountain
The National Gallery. I spent a good two hours just roaming this place and seeing all the art.
Trafalgar Square
China town!
Me and a nice looking street
Me and Trafalgar Square
Classic tourist moment :)
Me and the London Eye
View from Pemba's flat window. Gorgeous. It is so tranquil there. I loved it.
Little walk on Friday night brought us to this view of the Themes.
The ride on the train had gorgeous views! This is a field of bright yellow flowers! Everything was green and flat and there were cows and sheep everywhere.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Breakfast and Balloons

I do love balloons! Today was a really good day. Work flew by because we were having so much fun! I shall bullet everything I learned today.
  • How to clean a coffee machine- I'm the only one that learned, ironic since I'm the only one that doesn't drink it. It's massive and does everything for you! I love technology.
  • How to greet the guests for breakfast. Did some role play and was apparently so good that they asked me to join the breakfast team! Yes, this does mean early mornings but it is quite fun! I start tomorrow at six.
  • How to carry trays. You all know the big ones that waitresses carry in America all the time with multiple plates on them and then they put it down on the stand thing. Those ones. I walked around with three plates on one tray. Ya! Not only did we learn this but we played a game to test our abilities. It's called relay race with water balloons on the trays that result in being pelted with water balloons by the chefs if you drop any. Naturally, all of mine fell off. I got nailed right in the face with a balloon right in the streets of Birmingham with spectators watching from the sidelines. It was actually really fun and everyone was really happy after.
I also got my hair cut today after work because apparently all the shops are open later on Thursdays. Ha ha why? I don't know. They just do. :) It looks pretty boyish, as usual, but I'll make it work. :)
Well i must go, so much to do. I'm going to London tomorrow and have to pack and get up at five! Yahoo! I'll keep you updated!
Breakfast Buccaneer

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Blue Skies and Sunshine!

Today was beautifully sunny and cold. The blue skies and sunshine here just aren't the same as in Utah. There seems to be a film or haze that blocks the sky and makes it not as bright and beautiful. It's still nice though. I do love the sunshine. Ha ha that song really applies here. :) "don't matter what you look like, don't matter where you're from...don't even matter what you are, a dog, a pig, a cow, a goat. Had em all in here!" Anyway...
Today was a pretty fun day at work. We're starting to get into the real restaurant stuff. I am now assuming I'll be waitressing because that is where I'm training. I'm excited! The only thing that worries me is knowing the menu. We have to study a lot so we know what sides go with what mains, what options they have and when and how to upsell. Pretty crazy. That I can do through studying and learning but I'm most worried about the drinks. I'm going to have to have a special tutoring session and have someone teach me what a lager, cider, spirits and more are and what coffees there are and wines! So much and I haven't the slightest clue what they are let alone what they go well with. It is also going to be an adventure recommending things I've never had. :) It's fun.
So today we did scenario training which is like pretend serving. Nerve-racking though because everyone is watching. I'll probably go tomorrow. We also had bar training and cocktail training. Learning and making the drinks was so much fun! We had speed competitions and my team won lottery tickets he he. Really fun! It was slightly hard not to try the cocktails just because they look like really yummy juice or soda. But I prevailed.
While all this was happening, I was thinking about the D.A.R.E. program we have. We are taught in elementary school how bad alcohol and smoking are for the body and how to "Just say No". They totally don't have that here. If anything they promote it. I mean all the bars and pubs and any business really, depends on selling all the drinks you can. Everyone drinks and it is a massive part of the company's revenue. It's unbelievable. Just food for thought as well as sex education. It's obviously different here and so is marriage. Everyone has a boyfriend or a misses, but you rarely here husband or wife. It's weird.
I have also noticed that because of drinking and what not, everyone here has what I will call frog syndrome. It's where their mid-body/torso area is big and round and the adjoining limbs (arms and legs) are skinny. You've all seen it and know what I'm talking about but it is in abundance here. Everyone, even skinny girls, have a belly because they drink so much. America may be fatter, but the UK has a serious frog syndrome problem.
Some more random facts I learned today:
  • Their limes have to be painted because they are like brown! They have to paint them green to make them look like fruit!
  • The hot chocolate here is terrible. They don't like milky sweet, they like bitter and strong. Boo!
  • I learned this a while ago but I need to mention that all the clocks here are like military time or whatever. For example, four o clock is 16:00. No am pm, just 12:00-24:00. It took some getting used to, that's for sure.
That is all for today. Oh! and we got our uniforms. I'll post a picture tomorrow. So much love and hugs and kisses and yummy hot chocolate!
-Frog syndrome free!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bar Tending

So I didn't do bar tending yesterday, but I did put all the different kinds of glasses away. There were beer glasses, half pints, martini glasses, wine glasses, shot glasses and more. It was pretty fun actually. Today we are supposed to be learning all the drinks and stuff and we have cocktail training. :) I'm not sure how that's going to work as we're supposed to try them after we make them, I'll just have to have some one else check. He he. Also, yesterday at work we tried a ton of delicious food! The kitchen is practicing making all the meals so we get to see them and try them and get to know them. It's awesome! AND I learned how to use the till! It is really fun and quite easy. Once I know the menu really well it will be breeze. :)
That was work. After work I went shopping for some black trousers because we get our uniforms today and we have to wear them. It took a long time really but I found some decent ones. All the shops here clothes at like seven! It's terrible! Pubs and bars stay open til wee hours of the morning but the grocery stores and clothes shops all close so early. Terrible.
Once I got home, I exercised. For forty five minutes on the cross trainer no problem! Ha ha it felt really good. I then watched some Disney Channel and went to bed. I was quite tired so I didn't write last night. Sorry.
The weather is getting sunnier but it's still really cold. Hopefully it will warn up soon. I don't mind if it rains even but the cold wind is killing me. (not literally) Well, i love you all and will write tonight. Mwah!
Jack Danielles (if you don't get it, Jack Daniels is a beer we sell:)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

I love the movie Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants! I just watched it with Hayley and I cried...again. It is such a sweet tear jerker. Everyone should watch. It also has the cheese that I absolutely love! :) Anyway, May 10, 2010 was a good day for Danielle. I started the day watching videos of my brother, Alex, coming out of his tonsillectomy. I find that the morning is the hardest part of the day for me. I wake up and think why am I here? I want to go home but as soon as I get out and about I'm alright. So the videos were perfect for this morning. I knew I was going to laugh hard but I had to watch the videos as soon as I got them which happened to be when everyone here was still sleeping. You see where this is going. ;) Well I managed to refrain from bursting out but now my blanket is covered in snot. Ha ha I had to stifle myself in the blanket and it was so hard! It is the funniest video I have ever seen!
My relationships with everyone here are growing. It's cool because they are different with all the different types of people. Hayley and I are really comfortable around each other now and we just have a great time. I feel like here fun older sister or I like to think I am. :) I also spent most of the day at work with Tyrone and Kevin who will be Front of House with me and I laughed so much. It's a different kind of relationship with them. More shallow perhaps? They are great though and really nice to me. They like to make fun of my funny American words like candy and cavity. To them it's sweets and fillings. I should have known.
I did my laundry yesterday and I have to tell you, they don't have dryers here! They hang their clothes in the back yard on a clothes line with clips and everything! It's so cute. When it rains though (a.k.a. all the time) we have to just strew our clothes all over the house and the heaters. It's pretty fun. I think that as soon as I start filling my weekends with adventures the time here will fly by. I'm excited for that but I have to keep reminding myself that I only get this chance once. Kind of a self pep talk. I should try it in the mirror. :)
I've been eating pretty crappy due to having to have lunch in the city center. Tomorrow i'm going shopping to get foods to make home lunches. I also need toothpaste and such necessities. Just thought I'd let you know. I'm learning a lot about the restaurant business. Today we had to move around the tables and design the set up to maximize comfort and accessibility. Cool stuff. Tomorrow I am going to learn how to use the tills! Dad, it's like the ultimate touch screen cash register! I'm way excited. I'll let you know how it goes. Love love love you!
"I have a headache... and I have gas."
-wannabe sister of the traveling pants

P.s. I love the movie as well cause it's kind of like my life right now, you know? I can relate. :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

An Uncivilized People

So I went camping. On what was possibly the wettest, coldest day since I've been here. It wasn't too bad though. I left the house at about eleven twenty after showering and packing on a billion layers. I looked so funny walking to the bus stop in my bright blue and purple rain coat, nerdy glasses, backpack and giant yellow galoshes. Ha ha it was great. We met at Canalside Premier Inn and then drove to the campsite which is about forty five minutes away. We drove past the beautiful countryside (more like home) and the campsite was really pretty as well. Their definition of a campsite is like a really big field of grass. :) It was really pretty but nothing like Utah. There were cows and horses just across the way. I have pictures that I'll try to get up.
There was one toilet. A port-a-pody rather about a mile away. Ha ha not quite but it was quite nasty. Once we got there the drinking began. They started with beer and then progressed. Before the full bar came out though, we played football! (soccer). It was so much fun! I was sloshing around in my yellow wellies and we were all slipping everywhere! Not only had it just rained but the grass had just been mowed so there were grass shavings everywhere! It was so much fun sliding and getting dirty and showing them Brits that American girls can play football! Ha ha they were quite surprised to see that I was good. :) I told them I played in high school and everyone wanted me on their team. Workin it with the team- check 1. It was also really funny to see these grown men slipping everywhere and drinking and smoking while they played.
I also scored with the Cereal Box game. It consists of bending over and picking up a box, an empty beer can box in our case, with only your teeth. You can't use your hands or knees either. It was fun showing them how flexible us yanks are. Not only did I shock them with my splits but I shocked myself when I totally did the strattles! Ya! I haven't done those since I was like ten. Naturally, I played it cool like I do it all the time but inside I was like "Somebody take a picture!"
They also played some drinking/shot games that I just watched and laughed at. When people get drunk they get really touchy feely and lovey dovey and sometimes talk about really nasty stuff. On the one hand, it was hilarious to watch them actually fall over and mumble incoherently while trying so hard but on the other hand, it was really gross to watch my boss and managers dance with the young girls or old guys and be all... just gross. Slightly unnerving. I also saw more butts than I ever planned on seeing. From big, black butts to hairy white skinny. Nasty! I heard the F word more times than I ever wanted to hear in my life. Once people get drunk their vocabulary defaults to profanity. It's terrible.
I ate a ton of meat and drank loads of soda but after hitting a pinata, which no one here does apparently, I got really bored. Everyone who is drunk is having a great time but I had nothing to do so I went to my tent, wrote in my journal and went to bed. This was at about ten and I fell asleep alright but I would wake up periodically to screaming or people knocking on my tent door asking who was in there. Crazies. Then it was hard to fall asleep cause it was freezing but I prevailed and left early in the morning to get back here, take a shower and get ready in time for church.
Church was fabulous, as usual. I've learned that it is a real recharger that I absolutely need. I just talked to my mom and she was talking about how back at home in Utah, we get uplifted and recharged daily in our fabulous environment but here it is so dark and dirty that my power diminishes so quickly that I need it more often but get it less. Thus Sunday church and Wednesday institute are very important to me. Very important. I honestly could see myself going home any minute if I didn't have church and the sacrament. It's been cool to learn what a difference that makes in your life. So all you people back in Utah, appreciate the goodness that surrounds you, I know I do. My dad and I were also talking about how this, out here, is the real world and I said I don't like the real world. I'm glad i'm having this experience to better understand the rest of the world but I love my fairytale Utah. I love Utah, I love the gospel and I love you all! TTFN
Love, Princess Danielle

Friday, May 7, 2010


Yes! I watched Camp Rock on Disney Channel today! Yahoooooo! I watched Disney Channel for a good two hours today. It was fabulous! I smiled and laughed so much. :) That is really all I've done since I got back from work. Today was grungy clothes day because we did a lot of box opening and cleaning as we moved everything onto the site. For the first two hours I was stuck on sign in duty where I had to sit at a table by the door doing nothing but give directions to people I don't know through chattering teeth. It was freezing to say the least. After I got relieved, I cleaned, polished cutlery, had Pizza Hut, cleaned bathrooms and moved furniture. It was not bad at all even though it was kind of a long day.
While I was at work though, I discovered something. You know that man I told you about in a previous blog who has a baby and is really sweet? Well, he is 18 years old! Ya! And his baby is two years old. He had a baby when he was sixteen! He said he is one of six and his sister had twins at sixteen and his brother had a baby when he was 13! I passed out. He is the sweetest thing, but his family has got serious problems. I thought I'd share the madness.
Since I am going camping tomorrow, I had to take my tent and paraphernalia with me on the bus today to pack in a van. Imagine this: tall Asian girl trotting down the street lugging a massive black bag and a tent. Then boarding the bus and whacking a good sick people as I try to find a big enough seat. " 'scuse me, ope sorry, sorry, 'scuse me". :) It was great.
I'll also have you know that Vanessa is a fabulous cook. I don't eat everything she makes, but when she makes a meal, she makes a meal. It is always something new and delicious and she makes the massive plate for us and serves us. She is so nice. And not only that, but considering the amount of food they have in this house I'm surprised she can make a whole meal for four people. They have a mini fridge and freezer and a bread bin. That is pretty much it and the fridge is never full. If Vanessa didn't cook and I was here for lunch, I might starve. I don't know how she does it but she can produce food at her will. A trick I must learn. Anyway, that was my day and I am happy. Especially after getting a good daily dose of Disney. He he, see that Jill. Triple D. :) I love you all so much and miss you still. I can't believe it's been two weeks already. Mwah!
Love, Disney Diggin Danielle :) (see that again;)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sleeping Policeman

Today at work we talked about a program called Good Together which is about all employees of Whitbread working together to be more green. You know with the environment and things. Apparently, the US is way ahead of Britain in that area and this became apparent after we listed things we'd seen or could do and I had loads more than everyone else. Interesting Huh? We also got to go into the restaurant site today for the first time. It's really pretty. Very modern and cool. It was a good day at work and we got off early once again! Fabulous.
While I was at work I learned something having to do with the title of today's blog. Here, they call speed bumps, speed humps and naturally I think this is strange because I've seen signs that say "Slow Humping Ahead". You get the picture. :) So I expressed my distress to a fellow employee, Johnny, who said that they also call them sleeping policemen! Ha ha ha! I laughed so hard! I do love their sayings here. They also call nail polish, nail varnish. Weird.
Random little story- I was walking down the street and my eyes beheld this man bending over and his playboy undies were just hanging out. Ripe for wedgie! Don't worry, I didn't but it took a lot to not just grab and yank. Can you imagine? Among other things, I have learned to refrain from doing what comes naturally sometimes because it is not always socially acceptable. :)
That's about it today. I exercised and met the Collins' grandson Jamie. He is adorable little ten year old who talks like he's much much older. Other than that, not much. I am slightly tired from my late night volleyball so I kickin it early. This weekend is the team night out. Camping. In England. Ha ha it's going to be an experience. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Love, Wedgie Queen!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Food Safety and Flatulence

Today was really great! I went to work and today we covered food safety and it was a lot of just sitting and listening but I got to be better friends with three+ new people today. Marta is a Bulgarian hear for school. She and I went to the shop to get some sweets this morning and we talked about the language barriers and stuff that we are both experiencing. Really fun. I also sat by these two people, Kevin and Ros, who kept joking about farting and I couldn't stop laughing! They also had a good time mimicking my laugh. Always good. There is one more man named Tyrone who is the darlingest thing! He is a cutie, half black man with a baby girl named Charly! Couldn't get any cuter. He is so nice to me and he is fun to talk to. Not only that, but he quoted White Chicks today and I was sold! If you don't understand the significance, let me fill you in. I quote this movie White Chicks daily and rarely is it appreciated because no one has seen the movie. To have someone else start the White Chick cleverness was great. We got off early, around three thirty, and I went home. Funny thing happened where Hayley happened to get on the very same bus I did on her way home from school.
We got home and we just talked with Vanessa for a good hour about funny things that have happened in their church, from big Jamaican investigators cheering in church to kids choking and the speaker just continuing with his talk. Funny stuff. More bonding, you know. :) We had dinner and watched some TV and then I went to institute. Tasha is the sweetest girl and she has been taking me to institute. I think I am going to get along just fine with the youth in the stake here. They are all so nice and fun. Institute is two hours, one Book of Mormon lesson and one New Testament, and then after they have activities like volleyball. We played that yesterday and it was so fun. I was getting all competitive but having so much fun at the same time. And if I might say so, I was doing pretty well. I might have been the best girl playing...might. Oh! In this movie we watched about the Book of Revelations there is this teen/man in it and after some deliberation I discovered it was the dad from High School Musical! Ha ha! It was so funny! He's really young but it's totally him. :)
Speaking of movies, I totally had a Parent Trap, What a Girl Wants driving-through-the-city-with-purely-music-playing-as-I-gaze-out-the-window-in-awe moments. It was great.
Recap: Today was a really good day. Love you!
Amanda Bynes

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mallet to Mallet

Today at work we played a little game called Mallet to Mallet. Don't worry, the game didn't actually involve mallets but rather mental mallets. So we had to learn specs (specifications) of certain items on the menu we will have at the new restaurant, such as rack of ribs or Bonafree Pie. We have like five minutes to memorize all we can about the recipe and what not and then the person from each team specializing in that recipe goes head to head with one worded/phrased blurts about the food. For example, one could say bananas! and then the other would reply defrosted! then mint! One sprig! And so on and so on. The first person to run out of things to say or repeat something loses. It was actually really fun and the team got even closer. We did some other things with scenario and menu training and then we got off early at about four. Great!
I am having slight troubles getting a bank account due to my lack of permanent address and a bill with my name on it. Ridiculous! But Vanessa is going to ring(call) them tomorrow and see what can be done. Other than that I am doing quite swell. I went to a store today called Primark, I think I mentioned it earlier, and it was fantastic! I got two pairs of pants for eight pounds each and I will be going back for more as soon as I get a bank account. Father's orders. :) Since shopping I have eaten a fabulous sandwich, done some cross-training, stretching, push ups and sit ups, showered, browsed the internet and watched some TV. What fun.
What I have learned today: England is not that bad once you get to know it. It has a certain charm to its little houses, busy roads and cloudy skies. I am becoming more and more comfortable and have found it quite enjoyable. I will be sad when I leave it behind. I also learned that you can take pets on the bus. I had the pleasure today of sitting next to a German Sheppard. His owner was this old, slightly decrepit man with missing teeth who didn't seem to notice that his dog was practically sitting on me! He was across the aisle, but his dog was literally leaning on me! The dogs here are so needy and touchy and it's really starting to get to me. You know the people that just can't keep from touching you? Like Alex and my dad but way way worse? It's rough when you have to keep your feet on the couch because if you put them down, a small hairy animal will engulf them in his grip. I'll leave you with that, until tomorrow. ore e vwah! Ha ha that's French! Love, Girl who likes England but can't stand the needy canines!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Doing Absolutely Nothing

Ha ha today has gone by without me leaving this house. This could be seen as a bad thing but really it is okay because I just watched the church, cheesy version of Pride and Prejudice and I feel good now. It is really cute and just one of those make you smile movies. :) It also has London in the end and it feels funny and slightly satisfying to think that I am but a few hours from that famous place. Like I said before, I have not left the house today but have watched two movies, multiple episodes of Sonny with a Chance, read a magazine in the conservatory (with the candlestick he he) and bathed. That is about it. It has been nice. I was going to go out and do a little shopping for a new camera and what not but the weather got super nasty and I decided not to. By the time it cleared up it was too late to go to the store because it's a bank holiday which means they all close early. So... I sat and did nothing. What a life. :)

Due to my lack of activity I don't have much to tell you. It is funny to watch movies here that have English people in them and think that I'm surrounded by them. And also that all the people here are thinking about the American accents just like we think of the Brits back home- unique and intriguing. Or according to my co-worker, sexy. Well, I did get a cord to connect the camera to my computer so I have a couple of pictures. I shall show you them now. :)

This is my team. :) From left to right it's Prakash(this adorable, talks a lot man) Johnny(My superior and very nice), Subway sign man, Wayne, Andy, Amy, Tony, Keith and Hakeem. They are all really great and I am starting to love them. Ha ha funny thing is that Keith, the massive black dude in the leather jacket has a shirt with naked ladies on it.
Apparently this white man in the mix is some celebrity cook over here. Woohoo!

This is all of us with old Chinese ladies at the Bull in the bullring because it was a requirement for our scavenger hunt to have an old lady in the picture. :) We also got some Italian gymnasts.

I just finished having family home evening with the Collins and it was great fun. I love family time anywhere. We played uno and it was a riot, so much fun. I have been eating a lot better, I ate almost my whole dinner today and I've been eating little snacks all day. I'm sure I'll be back to my normal eating habits this week.
I am quite content at the moment. It's warm and cozy in the house. Outside it is getting quite cold, it even hailed today. Frost in the morning. I shall let you know how my first day of specified training goes tomorrow. Love and hugs, Dalia (that's my Spanish name, you know cause I played uno)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Church is True

The church is true. I know it. I live it. I love it. I know it is what makes me happy and I couldn't be more grateful for it. Today I went to church with Hayley and Vanessa and it was very good. They have a much more relaxed environment at church, but it is still the same. There are lots of darling babies as well that I adore. I go to Relief Society first, then Sunday school with the young single adults and then sacrament. The missionary I told you about is already leaving this area so this was his last week. Kind of sad because he was the only other Utahn around but I shall survive. He is a good missionary though and I'm glad to have met him.
Something I have learned about this here Island is that without the gospel or substance in their lives, people are a little lost. I'm not saying that everyone without a knowledge of the gospel is bad or incapable of happiness, but I have seen that people here rely more on their looks and appearance to stand out or express their uniqueness. Whereas in Utah we are very plain, pretty and comfortable for the most part with being that way. Here I am plain Jane for sure! You may think I have eccentric style but you ain't seen nothin! Here people have piercings in places I will never understand and tattoos of things I hope not to understand and it is weird but at the same time that is how they express themselves. I think that is also why everyone here is so dang stylish! I am in awe at the fabulous clothes that are so readily available and so easily at my disposable. I easily love it. I can just understand why looks are so much a part of the culture here and don't you fret, I will not get caught up in it but I may come back more exposed to good fashion. ho ho ho. :)
We had this man named Brian over for dinner today and he is absolutely the most interesting thing! He is missing a good four teeth and he has a fabulous pop belly and old professor clothes. He is also the most intelligent man in the world. He has four doctorates (one of which is his main practice-Sociology;) and he knows just about anything and everything! I have been told to think of the most obscure question I can and ask him and I have been guaranteed an extensive, correct answer. He is brilliant and funny and weird and blind. Vanessa says that she used to have to take care of him because he was so blind, he would go to the store to buy tissues and come back with tampons! Ha ha so funny. It is kind of sad but he has had surgery and will hopefully be just fine after one more. I like him a lot. I also watched Treasure Planet today and I absolutely love that movie. If I were a character I would be Morph because he is so dang adorable and well as very flexible and good at impressions. :)
I got to talk to Sabina on Skype already and I am anxiously awaiting a call from Clay and my family. Tis a very good day. Tomorrow is a bank holiday which means I don't have work and I don't know what to do with myself. :) We'll see how creative I can be. Love you!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday Shopping!

Just thought I'd add a massive picture of Iron Man to spice up your life.
Today is Saturday. Fabulous. Today I had a break from work which was very nice. I woke up, browsed the internet and cleaned my room at my own leisure and then left about twelve for a one o clock movie with Hayley and friends. We saw iron man 2 and I thought it was fabulous. Dad, I highly recommend. You will like it. After the movie we walked to the bullring and did some shopping! It was slightly overwhelming because the stores are so so massive and there are a billion of them. They are also full of people, especially on a Saturday. And I mean full! It was a mad house in every one with old ladies and teenagers beating each other for the last cheap skirt. Sheesh! I did find out that my clothes size is 10 and my shoe size is seven here. They're different from at home if you didn't know. :) I'm normally a size two. ;) Anyway, I got a fantastic floral blazer and a long maxi dress and a darling shirt thing. (apparently darling is a very American word) I will easily have a new wardrobe next week at this rate. Ha ha it was very fun and I got to spend time with Hayley. She's really great and fun to be around and we can sit in silence together forever without it being awkward.
After shopping we proceeded home and I did some cross training and stretching because i'm getting fit you know. Ho ho ho. I showered, watched the newest episode of bones, had some dinner of chips and kabab (which is really quite English) and now I am here speaking with you. It was a very good day and I enjoyed it a lot. I have hardly been homesick at all! What an achievement! OH! Cute story for the day: we were on the bus on our way to the cinema, which are massive by the way with multiple levels and flights of stairs within the theatres, and i here this baby voice. It is this ADORABLE little boy up front who looks like Yoda with huge spectacles and a British accent! I couldn't be more cuted out! AND he sounded so intelligent with full sentences and spelling! Cutest thing eva!
It' s raining. 'Nuff said. Typical English weather coming out. It's not bad at all actually, I like the rain. I think I shall snuggle down with a book now and read until I fall asleep, One of my favorite things to do. Despite my lack of homesickness, I miss you all so so much and love you. Your support makes this worth it and gives me strength to be an outgoing actress. :) Oh, just FYI, I'm pretty sure I will talk a lot more once I get back. I already talk a lot more just because of all the new people I've had to meet and entertain. Not to mention it will be with a bit of English accent as well. Life is good for Danielle Tamang. :) Peace. (I can't do the peace sign with my fingers though cause apparently that is the equivalent of flippin the bird.)