Thursday, April 29, 2010

Heaven on Earth?

Okay, so despite my little rough patch life is still good. As my dad always says, "It's good to be Danielle". I still miss home but today was really good. It's really hard work but I'm getting to know the people I work with a lot better and it has been better. I'm still team leader and it is the greatest slash funniest thing ever! I'm a good seven years younger then everyone on my team and I'm like coaching them through everything we need to do like they're babies and I'm the babysitter. Not going to lie, it feels awesome! Ha ha I wish you could all see. So fun.
So today was a lot of team discussion and writing about how to handle certain situations and what we need to be prepared for, customer service wise. I learned so much! I'm am going to be a customer service connoisseur when I get back, just you wait. Also today, this one guy I work with named Leon told me today that he thinks that my American accent is so hot and sexy! I laughed so hard and told him about how the girls go wild over boys with English accents. It's so funny! I also had loads of these oat biscuits today which was surprising because I have eaten hardly anything since I got here. The Collins think I'm weird cause I eat so little. :)
I can't even tell you how many little observations I make a day about the differences between here and there and I try to keep track in my phone but there are still so many I have forgotten, so I'll try to slip them in whenever I remember. I can't remember any right now because I'm so excited for my next subject so I'll get right to it. Shopping! I only went in to a supermarket store, so like the equivalent of Walmart, and I was in heaven! They have the most fabulous clothes for quite cheap! Like everything I saw was (hey saw is was backwards) way more stylish than America and for so cheap at a supermarket! Oh my goodness! Like blazers that I've been looking at for eighty dollars in Utah are like 15 pounds here which is less than thirty dollars. I did buy some shoes and they were 5 pounds! Fabulous floral shirts and big striped shirts and oh! If you know me you will appreciate my love for leggings, well, here everyone wears leggings! They have leggings that look like jeans and all kinds of pants and there were a bunch at this store! I was like roaming around the store with my jaw wide open, drooling on the floor while everyone was just doing their regular shopping. Oh my goodness you just have to see for yourselves. I want to get everyone at home clothes but I like can't because my suitcases will already be full of my new wardrobe! :) Don't worry, I shall continue to be a sensible shopper but I am so excited to go this weekend and see the real shops. So that's my good news minute...or five. It made me happy.
I've been here for a week now. It feels like it's gone fast but it also feels like I've been gone forever. It is a slight struggle but I pray all the time, I read my scriptures twice a day and I write in this blog. When I get sad in the day I just think that I'm on a mission, and all I have to do is go to work and live life, but along the way I have to collect stories for you guys back home. I'm constantly thinking of what I've got to tell you about and show you. I just had the brilliant idea of doing a video tour of the house to show you what it's really like. I will be on that ASAP so don't you fret. :) That is all for today. I will be back tomorrow. Much love and hugs and kisses and butt pinches, Danielle

1 comment:

  1. Now I know what makes Danielle the happiest. Shopping! We worked out with Clay today at Bushi Ban. It was good to see him. If he continues we'll get to see him more often.
