Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lemons and Balloons

Today was good. We met at Aston Villa which is a massive football(soccer) field and there's a pub/conference building next to it. This is where we will be tomorrow as well. There we sat in a room for most of the day and just learned about the company and what our goals were and so on. Oh, now all the staff is there except housekeeping, so there's about forty or so people. It was interesting to learn all the things that they take into consideration when starting a new business and trying to make it the best. Throughout the day we did some energisers that involved tossing lemons and making chairs out of balloons. They were really quite fun and successful I think. For these energisers and one other activity, I got to be team leader! It was really scary because I am the youngest one there except for one. So I am coaching these twenty to forty year olds through making a balloon chair and making lists of what we think we can do to improve guest satisfaction and stuff. It was really fun and challenging.
We also watched this American movie made by a man named Farrell or something who owned ice cream shops and is like an expert in customer service. It is called "Give 'em the pickle" and it was extremely interesting and funny. I especially liked all the references to America that I could understand. Just so you guys know, the 4 keys to customer service are service, consistency and teamwork. It was quite inspirational. The leader who was speaking at the time was Simon who is from Scotland and he put me on the spot in front of everyone asking how the customer service here compared to America, because apparently they look to Americans as being the best. Fancy that! :) So I talked in front of everyone. I'm crazy. We ended the day with drinks, as usual, and I walked the two or so miles back from the Villa.
On the way back I stopped at a Tesco store and got some nail clippers and when I got home I talked with the Collins for a long time. It was great. I love the Collins. Apparently they don't have Mountain Dew here and Hayley loves it so she was ecstatic to find this little shop that sold American treats. I will be going very soon. :)
After that I got a ride with one of the Collins' friends Tasha to institute. It's a bit a way at the church but it was really good. Once again, I love being with people from the church and just being at the church and hearing the gospel because it is the only thing here that is the same as home! The gospel is the same everywhere and it has been such a comfort and blessing to me. I have never been so homesick as I am today. Everything reminds me of how different home is and how I want to come back. I would get on a plane right now if I could. I will be fine but it will be hard. I love and miss you all so much! I will talk to you tomorrow. Mwah, Danielle, Team Leader


  1. Great to see you online because at home, as I finished the day and happily plopped down to read up on the day's worth of The Asian Itinerary, we couldn't find Wednesday's report -it was crushing!! It must have just been the server because now I read both day's load of content. So glad that one bad day was followed up by a great day - I certainly went to bed a bit glum last night. Tonight - mucho better. Gracias! Domo! Merci! Dhanyobhad! Toh che!
    Keep the leadership 'fake' until it becomes leadership 'natural.' You'll find it quite easy (after all, as Seira said, you're a Tamang).
    Just so you know, the whole family prays for you - for fun, for safety, for love and the ability to never forget this amazing opportunity. Yes, it truly is a mission, and one that you'll remember with so much fondness when you are surrounded by your own kids, unable to move or do anything because you don't have any time.
    By the way, did you see Kirin's video for you? She's such a sweetheart. She did a great job, eh? I was proud of her. By the way, at Tescos and Sainsburys (especially the latter), make sure you pick up some 'Frazzles' and eat them for me - bacon flavoured crisps. Hmmm - they are delicious! If you're particularly bold, try the cheese and onion flavours - they are the equivalent of the sour cream and onion here, but mucho better. And do ask the Collin's to just make sure you have at least one good (emphasis on 'good') fish and chips from a local store (they are usually operated by dark, swarthy men with incredibly hairy forearms, usually sweating while they work, and for some unknown reason, produce very tasty chips). Don't forget the malt vinegar large doses. We love you and LOVE reading the daily journal. Thanks, puurkee. (By the way, you're lucky to be in Aston Villa - the football team there is brilliant - a word I'm sure you're hearing a lot lately). "All right?"

  2. This is mom. Farrell's!!! Iloved that place growing up. It was a big deal when we got to go to Farrell's. They had an ice cream dish called the pig trough with like 16 scoops of ice cream on it. I never got to have one because it was too expensive. They also had taffy there in an attached candy store. It was great!
