Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Juice and Foul Language

Today was a good day. I never really have anything to complain about, I'm just adjusting to this outrageous and completely new culture. So today I left for work and the bus just turned off at a random stop and I hadn't a clue where to go! I had to navigate all by myself all the way across the city center, which isn't easy. I was rather proud. :) As a result of getting lost I was early! ha ha it was great. I just chatted with Natalie until everyone else arrived. She said that she liked to think of my role as shadowing her. This made my job a little clearer but I'm still a little lost as to why I am included in the managers. It is hard but I am doing a decent job of acting like I'm doing quite well, I think.
Today we planned what we are going to do for our staff at training on Friday. We planned what we had to get across about the company like who our target guests were, what our offers were and who they were directed at and such. We also had to plan fun "energisers" which are just like fun games to get us to know each other as well as keep the energy up. It was pretty easy work and I think we thought about it too much and took a little longer than we should have but it all worked out and I had a productive day. I did offer my ideas when it came to the energisers because little do they know, I am LDS which means I know loads about this kind of thing. Basically, they were looking for activities we play and do at EFY and girls camp and stuff. I came up with quite a few and we're using like three of them. They include the Human Knot, which is classic Utah team building fun and the team chair sit thing if any of you know what I mean. That was the gist of the day, lots of walking and sitting. I'm under the impression that I'm losing weight because I hardly eat anything and I walk a good hundred miles a day. :)
I also exercised today on the bike equipment the Collins have in their loft. It was really hard. I rode it for like twenty minutes and I was sweating quite nicely. I think if I keep this up I can stay fit and maybe even be prepped for a ride with the Wistisens. Eh eh? We shall see.
So I have some more observations. Here they are:
  • The English drink like none other. They hardly drink water because it is colder and they drink so many other things. I've probably had like three cups of water since I've been here and approximately fifty cups of juice. They're mad about juice and alcohol. It's so weird. One of the Johns I work with is this crazy bar tender who has worked at every bar in Birmingham and that's all he talks about. He knows a ton about good marketing and stuff but I'd say that his heart is in the alcohol. He gets wasted all the time. For example, last night I left the drinkers at about six thirty and he said he stayed till he got kicked out and then didn't go to bed until four. I guess I just don't understand how someone could live that life and still be coherent during the day. It is just so crazy.
  • I have never inhaled, or sucked in through my skin, so much second-hand smoke. Two of the five people I work with all day smoke. They smoke at least a pack a day and I have had the unfortunate opportunity of being in close proximity or even downwind from these friends and have decided that I hate smoke. It's the worst when like ash from the cigarette flies back and almost lands in your eye or catches your hair on fire. It's a nasty habit. Oh! and on the cigarette boxes here it says this very phrase is big, bold letters: SMOKING KILLS. It is so cool. I'll have to get a picture. Vanessa said that they have banned smoking from all public places and taken all the adverts about smoking down. They have also started a campaign to show young girls how detrimental smoking is to their health and looks and stuff. It's really cool, but there is sooooo much more smoking here than any where else I've ever been.
  • They have a store here called T.K. Maxx! Just like T.J. Maxx but with a K. I saw it and giggled. They also have an Urban Outfitters store here. Just an interesting observation I thought I'd share.
That was my day today. I love you all so much and miss you so so so much. It's a little rough thinking about how I've only been gone for like six days! Not even a week! But I shall prevail! I hope everyone is doing well back in the states. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Love, Observation Central

P.S. Kirin I would like to see some singing videos already! Please.

juice, smoking, tk maxx, casual clothes


  1. Today, I thought you would be 'slipping' into contribution mode for the would be managers - and you did!! Loved the EFY games and such. May be they should also do the 'hokey pokey' dance song - complete with gesticulations!!
    As for the smokers, gag, I have turned green and felt like I was in 'solitary confinement' when surrounded by the noxious fumes. How can these people think that it's even cool!! Plus, it costs a bomb to keep killing youself.
    Kirin is promising to record some songs tomorrow. To her defense, she's had work Monday and Tuesday but is free from tomorrow on.
    Also, I took Petey out for spin today to keep the engine running - lovely car. Much better than the Audi. Kyan got his incisor tooth pulled today - he was a champ. With a buzz cut, he looks absolutely adorable. He was negotiating for a 'tooth fairy dollar' for his extreme pain today while being sent to bed. Shrewd little man.
    Love you. Am VERY proud of you. Soon, you won't even know how long you've been there. By the way, should I help you plan your weekend for trips and jaunts to see the rest of England? Very happy to do so, miss fit (like that? ;)

  2. It's really amazing to hear how much you're growing in so little time. And yes, like Dad said, soon you won't believe how the days have flown by. Rest assured we miss and love you no less!
    Clay came to Costa Vida with us yesterday, and before we knew it an hour and half had passed with the 3 of us just chatting away! Love that boy.
    Smoking...vomit. I remember going through a similar thing since smoking is the hottest (I mean, warmest) thing they can do in Alaska, so your lungs are consistently bombarded by their nauseating ways. Hope you get some fresh air, soon!
    I'm working with Em in the office, now and the relief is substantial considering she understands the humor in the tiny quotes that linger in throughout the day.
    Can't wait to hear about tomorrow! Please keep staying safe and knockin' the socks off those "older, more educated" people. Hold your head high with them, like you are. You'll come back a changed woman for the better.

    Triple "T, K, A". TIME TO TOTALLY KICK A$$!
