Monday, June 14, 2010

Too Blessed?

Do you ever feel like the world is a gift? Like it's the best place ever? Like you are too blessed?
I do.
What makes me so deserving of happiness?
What makes me deserving of hugs and kisses? Purple skittles and laughter? High places and fresh air?
Who am I to be blessed with two sisters, two brothers, two parents?
How come I have best friends and the ability to walk?
Why do I get the green light when I'm in a hurry?
Who decided to give ME the confidence to be who I am no matter what?
Why was I born in a time where movies with happy endings that make you cry exist?
I'm not really sure.
I know it's because I have a dad in heaven that loves me more than all of these things.
But why?
I may never know.
I'll just have to live with the fact that I am far too blessed and maybe share my gifts with those who may not feel quite the same way.

I love life, knowledge and all of you! I see a happy ending at the end of my movie. :)


  1. I feel the same - mostly because we, Angela and I, have been blessed to have you sent to us. EVERYBODY here knows that you are the blessing to us (don't get hurt or get run over by a bus before you get back ;). Some how, Father loves us all without any reservation, and no judgement. I am striving to be like Him.
    Yesterday, Clay called out of no where and invited the gang to dinner at his home. Jill apologized for not marinating the BBQ chicken long enough since she didn't get 'enough notice' from him - very sweet. The food was great and the company even better. Good folks, those Wistisons . I got to provide some good movie ideas to Kevin since we seemed to enjoy the same Brit wit and good story lines.
    Kirin took off to EFY for the whole week - I miss her already. She's grown up quite a bit and become much more accomodating. Miss that voice.
    Alex is now officially taller than me - at 14.5 years of age. Amazing. His voice is still croaky though - heh, heh. Yesterday, we went driving in Peetey - he did VERY well for a first timer on clutch and gears. He never stalled the car when stopping, and at the end, could rev the engine really hard while just letting his left foot take care of the speed. Very good.
    Ky has been sleeping in the coolest, home-made cave in the family room the last 3 nights. He has blankets and a flashlight built in to the 'man cave' so that he can play around. Of course, we don't have any chairs for sitting around the round table, but they are over-rated any way, right?
    Sabina did indeed have a cyst burst, but she also found out that she has some bladder infection and such making her weak. Poor ting.

    I've been up since 5 am, so will probably be drowsy later today - will see. Oh, had a good performance with the band at Park City on Saturday. We had horns and everything. (The trumpet, trombone and sax weren't bad either ;)

    Love you, oh blessed one.
    Have fun, continue to be aware of your surroundings and if you didn't get an email from me, here is what I said (I don't know why you are not getting them).

    Let's plan your next 3 day weekend to go to the seaside (though you will be disappointed compared to Italy).
    - Talk to the Collins' about their August schedule (I want to know their exact dates).
    - Get them to commit to a dinner at the Tamangs.
    - At the end of your UK trip, the 1 week off, let's see if you want to go to Paris via train.
    - Get your Pell Grant taken care of this week asap! That leaves you free to have fun - do the hard things first, remember?
    - Do you want to do more London touring?

    Love you,

  2. Hey! I'm writing more content than you!!! How did that happen?

  3. You're killin' me smalls!!!! I feel a sista night including My Sister's Keeper! (You KNOW we would love Kirin to watch but she'd just gripe the entire time about NOT wanting to. Then, when she'd inevitably cry, she would yell, "YOU MADE ME WATCH THIS! AND NOW I'M CRYING! AND NOW MY HEAD HURTS! LET'S GO TO ROXBERRY...." Sorry, got a little carried away.

    You'll love this: Alex, our bruvva and Clay, our other family member are here hanging with us. 'Tis 10 in the p.m. and we're gonna watch a movie and have some yummies. Clay was a totally SWEETIE and invited our fam over for din dins on Monday night. Everyone but B and I left at about 8:30 then we stayed 'til like 11:30!!! We couldn't stop talking and I discovered my new love: Plain M&M's, heated over a grate over a fire 'til the guts are so warm and smooth you feel like you've peed your pants! TRUTH! Ask any of the Wistisen's! McKenna, Casie, Didi, Kevin, Jill and Clay all around a fire in the backyard for hours! WE LOVED IT!

    SO: Since we last talked, I have been informed that my infections may not actually exist. If my pains don't go away by Saturday, it could be a kidney disease. Sounds serious, but all should be fine. Thought you'd like to be in the loop!

    As for your post: We. always. feel. that. way. Mom and I were talking about how we girls don't appreciate how truly lucky we are. Our family is so beautiful, so fortunate, and so blessed! I love you so very much and know that we are all here in each other's lives for a greater purpose than we could ever imagine. Which rocks, if you think about it. 'Cause what we have right now is simply fabulous. Keep up the posts, and make sure dad doesn't slow up your connections by writing his ministries ;) MWAH!
