Thursday, June 3, 2010

Don't You Worry Bout a Thing

Now I have noticed that some of the reactions I have gotten from my latest posts have been emphasizing my need to not forget home, Jill. :) Let me just announce that you have ZERO need to worry! It is physically and mentally impossible for me to forget home-Alpine, UTAH! Every spare minute I have is filled with dreams of my homeland. I am more comfortable here in England now but that doesn't mean I wouldn't still come home in a heartbeat, I'd just miss the people here more than I would have earlier. Like I've told some people, I'm sick of feeling sad and lonely and am ecstatic to reach such a comfortable state. With that disclaimer, I shall proceed.
Last night I had the opportunity to go to a birthday party for a kid from a neighboring stake. His name is Chris and he is a cutie. He had a trampoline and everyone was amazed to see my every-single-one-of-my-neighbors-has-a-trampoline-and-I've-jumped-on-them-for-years trampoline skills. They were awed at my ability to do brownies and back flips. :) It was great, but there is still something separating me from them. It's not bad, it's just there and no matter how much I excel in athletics and niceness, I just don't quite fit in. I think it is just a matter of getting over the wall that separates our completely different and yet same lifestyles and humor and cultures. It's weird how you can tell the difference. Hopefully I'll reach the status of a true Brit before I leave.
Chris has a five year old sister named Alice who couldn't be cuter! Her little accent and the things she says are just adorable! The only thing cuter is the way Chris treats her like an angel. It was the sweetest thing to see! The cutest moment of the night was when I was sitting on the swing bench with Chris and Alice and they were all cuddled up and they were talking about how their parents love them and Alice says, "I love Heavenly Father more." I almost cried. The little children are so close to heaven and know how the world is supposed to be. They have a perfect, simple and beautiful perspective that I want so bad. Chris then re-enforced this idea and I was so happy just watching their older brother-sister interaction.
I love the tender mercies like that that Heavenly Father gives me to remind me of how much he loves me and what really matters in life. Being in England makes me feel slightly inferior to the intellect and the humor everyone has here but in the end, it's my understanding of the gospel that matters and what makes me happy. IT REALLY IS SO SIMPLE! I like to say that the gospel is simple but that doesn't mean it's easy. I love my Heavenly Father so much and that love grows with every person that I meet and grow to love because I know they're a gift from him. Sheesh! I'm a lucky girl. I love all my gifts from Heavenly Father. (That includes all of you readers. :)
Heavenly Father's "favorite" child

BIG P.S. I just bought tickets to Italy this coming week. I'm going to visit Katie! AAAAHHHHH!


  1. Well, well - looks like you are going to Italy after all! Great work! I wonder who helped you..... Mum perhaps?!! ;) That should be fun - remember your big city safety lessons, and continue to have fun while keeping your 'nice' personality in check in public. Watch out for pickpockets - don't want to lose your passport or monies (think about how everything would change for the negative very quickly if you lost your money or ID).
    As for your 'distance' from the Brits or feeling inferior to them - it's all in your mind, lass. Usually, when I am around them, I feel superior! Not kidding either. In fact, if you were to interview them at the end of your experience, you would be knocked off your socks to find that they are holding you in awe! Here is a confident, pretty, strong person who is also very athletic, and with enough courage and money to do things around their country (and Italy), that most of the locals would feel very small compared to you. Having been a 'Brit' for the first 18 years of my life, I can truly say that the Yanks were always held in high esteem - almost in awe. Not only were they always better looking (and not just because of the teeth), but they seemed to be so positive, full of energy and inconquerable spirit. Not much different from the Danielle they are experiencing. I would daresay that they are in awe of you at this moment. You just don't know it. But trust me, from being there, and from being a visitor there, we are definitely held in more superior view. Now take that and sashay down the street next time, with those hips swaying in confidence..... OOOOOOOOOOHHH!
    But, the best part is, like that little girl said, you are a daughter of God, with amazing abilities and talents, and with strength that is not of this world. That's clearly being manifest in how you are conducting yourself so well in another world and willing to do things most people here would cringe at the thought of doing. Even the locals would hesitate before planning trips like you are doing - WAY to GO!
    We love you. I love you. Heavenly Father loves you.

  2. Man what a pep talk from your dad! Way to go Benoy! You definately are a very special girl. Italy! When do you go? And have you seen Letters From Juliet? Go see it before you go! We are gearing up for a back yard reception tonight (in our back yard) I'm sooooo excited to see it from a different perspective...(not the mother of the bride) Finally we have had some wonderful weather... hope it keeps up! Love YA
    Keep blogging!
