Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Last Week

Hoy pamilya!!
Today is Friday and tomorrow is Saturday and then it's Sunday and then I leave to the Philippines!!! Ano ba iyan!!!! That means what the heck in Tagalog!
I seriously can't believe it and I'm so excited! It's crazy how fast my MTC stay has flown. I have had an awesome week teaching my last lessons and cramming all I can into my little brain and heart. I really love the people here. My district!! Ah! We get to fly together and I'm so beyond pleased, except for our dear Elder Scanlan has to stay until after Christmas because he had surgery on his face and they want to make sure it's okay. But we are doing so great. Today we are doing in-field orientation ALL day and it's really cool, but really long. :) We're learning how to find people and work with members and stuff. AAAHHH! So I'm super scatter brained and can't remember anything I wanted to write to you so I'll try my best.
Family- be ready for my call some time around maybe 7:30 pm on Monday. I'm not sure how it's going to work but you could just be free. :) I can't wait to talk to ya'll and hear your voices! Woooohoooooo!
Okay, so seriously I can't think of anything right now but hopefully I'll get to write again tomorrow cause it's our actual P day, so. I will say that I love you all soosososososos much and that I know this gospel is beyond true and I love it!!!!
I will talk to most of you very soon. Mahal ko kayo!!!!
Kasama ng pagmamahal, Sis Tamang

Friday, December 9, 2011

Week 7! or 8? I can't remember!

Magandang hapon lahat mga tao!!!!
Hi family and friends! How is everyone?! I am doing pretty dang good!!!! Guess what?! I got my travel planssssss!!!!!
AAAHAAHHAHHAH! I'm actually going!!! So my plans are the biggest news, a letter is coming with more details about how crazy this week has been. As you can see I am not leaving on the 21st so maybe I can talk to Kirin on her cell? Such a bummer! That would have been awesome to see you! Can you send me everyone's plone number so that I can make sure I call the right numbers? My memory is fading and I don't want to risk it. :) Thanks! I also have a list of things I would very much love. I'm really sorry this email is so not fun but I promise the letter is better. :)
I forgot my list i've been making all week so I'll have to do it by memory:
AAA batteries
yummy smelling deodorant
liquid eyeliner- the one with a sponge, not a paint brush
the yellow, skinny memory card I saw at home because I managed to lose mine for the camera Rai sent me. It's skinnier than the normal ones.
a couple pictures of my family from our family shoot!
shortbread cookies- jill knows what I'm talkin about
maybe some more of the magic nasal decongestant pills- 12 hour (I had to use some of them this week)
anything else you want!
I know I'm forgetting something but oh well! Marami salamat para sa lahat!!! I love you all sooooooooooo much and know that this church is true! Please keep reading the Book of Mormon! I know it's true and will change our lives always for the better!!!! MWAH MWAH MWAH!!!
Love, Sis. Tamang

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Week 7


Hi my cutsie family!!! How is everyone? Thanks so much for the pdf! You should do that more often! It was great!
I love hearing about what's going on.
So I don't have much to write other than I am LOVING being a missionary! No matter the craziness and stress we go through, it's all worth it for that one moment! Dad- it's just like having a baby!!!! I LOVE THIS GOSPEL!!! I've learned this week two things:
  • One of the best ways we can learn something is by teaching it. My testimony is strengthened every time I teach!!! AAH I can't believe it! You'd think we might be deceiving ourselves by repetition but it's not that at all. It's not deception, it's reaffirmation!! My testimony is significantly larger and stronger and more specific than it's ever been. Nuff said.
  • I have had to learn that we, as missionaries, have so much to learn and it's overwhelming, but when we seriously and completely focus on our investigators the Lord seriously fills in the rest! All we need to know and do is around our investigators. I am only just learning this and it has changed my study and focus completely. I know it will help me on my mission, especially since I leave in 3333333333 WWWEEEEEEKKKKKKSSSSS! We should be getting our travel plans next week! WHAT?!
So I love you all and I love this gospel. Alam ko po na kung magtuturo tayo sa pamamagitan ng espiritu santo at magfocus sa mga intinuturuan natin na maging mga misyonero para sa diyos!! I'm so excited and scared to go to the Philippines! Most of our zone left on Monday and it was so sad/exciting. It's a bit lonely here now but we are growing together more as a district and a zone. I love my Elders!!!!!!
Mahal kita!
Love, Sis Tamang
P.s. Jill, you should totally send me the phone!!!
PPs. Sabinaaa! I love you squeeze!!!!
PPPS Kirin Vani, you are my favorite younger sister!
PPPPS Alex, you need to keep a shirt on man! I'm not there to fight off the ladies
ppppps Ky babes- you're the bomb.com. MWAH!