Saturday, November 26, 2011

Week 5


How is my family? I'm assuming pretty good considering there is no weekly email. Must be having some fun in Cali. :) Sabina-thanks for the email, letter's on it's way and I LOVE YOU! :) Kirin- ditto. :)

Okay. So I have lots so talk about so I'll get right to it.

My week goes as follows:

· Sunday- Got called as coordinating sister which means I am in charge of all the sisters which after this week will consist of me and my lovely companion. Woohoo! I also got called on to speak on Sunday. So every week we have to prepare a talk and just be ready in case they call our names and I got called on! It went pretty well, they're not very long and it was on repentance. Elder Lance Murdoch spoke as well- he's in my branch. :) The best part of this though was as I got up to speak. Everyone lean in closer, it's gonna be good. I'm called on the fly, so I'm naturally a bit nervous and naturally a bit gassey. :) Yes. I did. As I stood up from the congregation one just slipped out!!! Literally. I had no idea it was coming and no control. of course it was super loud too! So I stand up and then just look at my companion like, "really? did that just happen?" ha ha ha ha it was so great! For sure Elders around me heard but apparently, my surprised face actually made it look like it was the chair (i found this out later). So I have to keep it together as I walk up to the podium to speak on a spiritual subject. Somehow I managed to contain myself until after the meeting but it was the greatest thing that has happened. So funnaaayy!!!!!

· I may be getting another companion this week. Her name is Sis. Sharp and she is one of our besties from another district. She is supposed to leave this week but she just found out she needs surgery in her leg so she has to stay! Biggest bummer but she's doing awesome! We'll find out if she will stay with us on Monday. I'll keep you updated.

· We got to hear from 2 apostles this week!!! Tuesday we heard from Elder D. Todd Christofferson and Yesterday from Elder Russell M. Nelson. It has been a pretty amazing week. When Elder Christofferson came I had picked a hymn earlier that I will use when I'm discouraged or sad and it's "I know that my redeemer lives" because I do! And we just happened to be singing this song that night AS Elder Christofferson walked in! The Spirit was SSOOO strong and I couldn't even sing. The reality that my redeemer lives and that Elder Christofferson is one of His apostles slammed me. It was amazing and unlike anything I've ever felt before. The apostles are called of God and there's no denying it. Thank heaven for them. How lucky are we?

· Jess mad, Shaun Baxter and Shiri came in last week and I think I forgot to tell you. I was so happy to see Jess, I cried. Oh! I'm so pleased.

· Last but not least- the sisters managed to get the soccer field to ourselves this week! This is a big deal. Just be happy for me. :) I'm way sore from playing though. Man I love soccer.

Family and friends- I know this gospel is true and it is the source of all happiness. I am thankful for it this Thanksgiving season and forever more! I love you all! MWAH!

Sister Tamang

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